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Seems to me premier is still the best, even if the pads are off. Dark Toys jacket looks too short, Present's collar looks too big.
Premier jacket isn't accurate however and the shoulder pad is small (the pad itself not the armor piece) and the jacket doesn't have the sleeve zipper, so they need to make some big improvements before they ship it out.
Its definitely a battle between Premier and Dark Toys.

Present isn't even in the same ballpark right now.

Like I said, most people will buy Premier because its due at the end of this year, while the others are a year away. So what doesn't work on the Premier will hopefully be remedied with Dark Toys. If not, there's always Present.
I'm in agreement with Mr. potato. The Premier seems to be the best, out of the box. Body and head proportions look the best, too.

Present toys looks to have a pin-head while Dark Toys has a bobble-head.

Premier should easily fix some of the issues, though. The shotgun is holstered way too high. Straps should be black and not light brown.
Dark Toys is a Redman brand and for me its a no, 'cause I already own a fig of theirs (actually it was a Rick Grimes set),
most of the accessories are crap and the jacket is a fabric so thin, it could pass for a shirt.
It was one of their 1st products, I don't know if they have improved after all these years.
Present Toys has a lot of figures on preorder, we dont know how many of them will see the light of day,
it's a very strange situation that smells bad, so it'a no again for me.
Also check their wrench, it's as bad as it can be.
Premier is not perfect as others have pinpointed out, but it seems the more reasonable choice for me,
if the other 2 companies release theirs and they have some better accesories, I can always seek them out.
Premier jacket isn't accurate however and the shoulder pad is small (the pad itself not the armor piece) and the jacket doesn't have the sleeve zipper, so they need to make some big improvements before they ship it out.
i don't know why you would say the jaket isn't accurate, it isn't 100%, but it looks like the closest out of all 3. Present Toys looks too thick and the right sleeve is too long. Dark Toys looks abit short, collar wise Premiere & Dark Toys looks the closest.
i don't know why you would say the jaket isn't accurate, it isn't 100%, but it looks like the closest out of all 3. Present Toys looks too thick and the right sleeve is too long. Dark Toys looks abit short, collar wise Premiere & Dark Toys looks the closest.
It's inaccurate because it doesn't have that pocket on the right chest it has two pocket zippers on both sides and that's it. And it doesn't have the zipper on the sleeve which it should have. So yes Inaccurate.
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Also, keep in mind that the "prototypes" shown by Present and Dark Toys are literally the sets from Scott Petersen and Cult King. What drives me nuts about these companies, or whoever they are, is that they are using another artist's work and claiming it as their own in order to sell their supposed upcoming products. None of what they're showing is theirs. Unless you've been around the hobby particularly the customs world, you wouldn't know what they're advertising is essentially stolen.
Absolutely right Mr E. At least the Premier toys figure appears to be an original effort. It's frankly appalling that the other options are essentially showing the works of other artists off as their own.
Absolutely right Mr E. At least the Premier toys figure appears to be an original effort. It's frankly appalling that the other options are essentially showing the works of other artists off as their own.
I also agree, Hence why I only preordered the Premier toys one regardless of the small issues. I rather go with a honest attempt then recast/copy of an original custom piece.
Also, keep in mind that the "prototypes" shown by Present and Dark Toys are literally the sets from Scott Petersen and Cult King. What drives me nuts about these companies, or whoever they are, is that they are using another artist's work and claiming it as their own in order to sell their supposed upcoming products. None of what they're showing is theirs. Unless you've been around the hobby particularly the customs world, you wouldn't know what they're advertising is essentially stolen.
trust me lots of people know about IP theft, that is why recast heads sell so good.

Rocco TheSculptor

10 hrs ·

Reworked my old Mel Portrait

After getting Premier toys Max on preorder I'll definitely use it as a base to build up a better max custom. The sculpt will be a decent stand in and I'll probably replace the outfit with the one made by Iris but other then that I hope we see a 4th Max figure go up for preorder I'd be hyped if Kaustic Plastik did a RW Max real leather outfit and gear that's the one. Lol
I did want to ask does this thread Count for just Road Warrior or is it for all of Mad Max stuff Fury Road, Video game etc.
I did want to ask does this thread Count for just Road Warrior or is it for all of Mad Max stuff Fury Road, Video game etc.
I think it is just for the "Mel" MM/RW but I could be wrong.

There is/are another thread specifically for the two versions of the "Fury Road" character, if I remember correctly. It had some interesting posts regarding what was best from each release.