MAD MEN: Don Draper commission list.

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Super Freak
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia

"it's not like there's some magic machine that makes identical copies of things"

As the title may insufficiently suggest, I'm interested in commissioning a sculpt of Jon Hamm as the character of Donald
Draper from the popular MAD MEN TV series. I'm really into immersive 60's experience of the show and would definately like
to add a Don sculpt to the collection. Just want to know if there's enough interest to justify a group commission by
an experienced sculptor to turn out a run. If there's any sculptors out there who are fans of the series and would like to
tackle this sculpt for giggles your welcome, otherwise if you're definately interested in the commission copy and
past your screen name onto the list. We'll probably need at least 20 definante pledges to cover the cost of the
sculpting process.

MAD MEN Donald Draper
Sculpt commission list.

1. Supernaturaladdict
2. wofford29 (Pending Artist's confirmation)
3. Zombierider (Pending Artist's confirmation)
4. MarfMaster (Pending Artist's confirmation)
5. ShortRound (Pending Artist's confirmation)
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I'm in the midst of contacting sculptors to see if they're interested in the commission at the moment. The artist I'll be approching with the commission aren't going to be exactly cheap but should be able to turn it out in spades. I'm waiting to hear back from them, if more than one artist shows interest in the project I guess it'll be up for a vote. I let you guys know as soon as I hear back from them the details and the figures, I'd give it about a week 'till then. Meanwhile if you're interested please put your username down on the list, the more we have the better the chance at landing a more experienced sculptor.
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Without knowing who's sculpting it's impossible to say for sure, but if its a really top notch head I maybe in for one. I don't see us getting to 15 for this guy though tbh. Nothing exciting or action oriented about him really, just a guy in a suit holding a scotch.
I'm think that if we tie in the sculpt with Hamm's supporting character of FBI agent Adam Frawley from Ben Affleck's new action crime flick The Town, we can dramatically increase the commission's interest. I know I though the movie kicked ass.

I dunno I think most people could just use the same head and would figure that out. Tbh none of John's characters really lend themselves to iconic looking action figures with the exception of one.

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It would really have to be a kick ass sculpt, on par with what Trev has been doing for Firefly. If you don't look at the sculpt and immediately see Don Draper, it'll never work -- it'll just be a random guy in a suit.
It would really have to be a kick ass sculpt, on par with what Trev has been doing for Firefly. If you don't look at the sculpt and immediately see Don Draper, it'll never work -- it'll just be a random guy in a suit.


I actually contacted Trevor about doing a Don Draper a while ago. He said he was definitely interested as many of his friends have been trying to get him to watch the show. He said a future Don sculpt is possible, he just needs to find time to watch the show and get to know the character. The perfect suit is key too, Don is his mug, suit and glass of scotch.