Super Freak
"it's not like there's some magic machine that makes identical copies of things"
As the title may insufficiently suggest, I'm interested in commissioning a sculpt of Jon Hamm as the character of Donald
Draper from the popular MAD MEN TV series. I'm really into immersive 60's experience of the show and would definately like
to add a Don sculpt to the collection. Just want to know if there's enough interest to justify a group commission by
an experienced sculptor to turn out a run. If there's any sculptors out there who are fans of the series and would like to
tackle this sculpt for giggles your welcome, otherwise if you're definately interested in the commission copy and
past your screen name onto the list. We'll probably need at least 20 definante pledges to cover the cost of the
sculpting process.
MAD MEN Donald Draper
Sculpt commission list.
1. Supernaturaladdict
2. wofford29 (Pending Artist's confirmation)
3. Zombierider (Pending Artist's confirmation)
4. MarfMaster (Pending Artist's confirmation)
5. ShortRound (Pending Artist's confirmation)
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