Made a dragon cage..

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The Chaver

Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 18, 2007
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Just about finished this up. Just need to put the vents and screen on. Cost me about $500 in materials and 0 in laber. I had made the top about to two years ago, minus the moulding. It was just a box with plexi sliding doors. Then I made the bottom part just recently and stacked the older one on top and added some trim to bring it out.
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Those are still pretty impressive beasts. I had a monitor lizard as a kid but those are awesome.
Good Job!
How long have you had your Beardeds and what's their names?

I love reptiles and used to have a lot of 'em. Now I just have a High Desert King Snake. He's beautiful- black and white banded like a piano. I've had him almost 15 years.

His name is Elvis. Elvis, the King.

Good Job!
How long have you had your Beardeds and what's their names?

I love reptiles and used to have a lot of 'em. Now I just have a High Desert King Snake. He's beautiful- black and white banded like a piano. I've had him almost 15 years.

His name is Elvis. Elvis, the King.


Thank's sam.

I've had at least two or more for around seven years. My oldest female is 7 and she's still going strong. I have 2 males (which I do not keep together) and 3 females. I'm actually going to buy another female hear real soon. The names of all of my beardeds are Olivia, Sonya, and Cleo for the females, and Milton and Trent for the two males.

As you can probrably tell, I am a breeder, and I sell them where ever I can. I also have a Monitor named Dino. He's not as nice as the Bearded's. :( But I keep him because he looks cool.

Wow! Those King snakes live that long? Cool.
Yeah, they can live 25-30.

And yeah- I know monitors can be nasty. But they are so ultra-cool looking. I just love the dinosaurish, triangular heads they have.
Many years ago, I had an Ameiva named Exene. Just loved her look. It was the closest I ever got to owning something like that.

I did have a green iguana once, too. Didn't have him all that long- maybe 2 years? My brother's rat killed him.


I've had all kinds of pets through the years...
Great pets; I used to breed them and had a few varieties. :banana
what do they eat? crickets?

I have a Dubia roach colony that I feed my dragons out of. Cricketts are very hard to raise and are costly to buy. The Dubia's, I just bought 300 nymps and threw them in a rubbermaid container with a heat pad underneath, for 9 months, and I have not had to buy one insect in almost a year. I actually have enough to were I can give some away, as well as sell them.

Ofcourse when I have babies I have no choice but to buy cricketts, as the younglings can not eat the roaches until they are at least a couple of months old.
Do you ever feed them mice :mad:

I have, only once or twice over the seven years that I've had them, because my monitor wouldn't eat it at the time. But no, not as staple diet. Mice are not in their natural inviroment and they'd be hard pressed to eat it if they did see one. They'd much rather be chewing on an insect or some plant matter. And only two of my females have aquired a taste for them. They're just freaky like that.
I have, only once or twice over the seven years that I've had them, because my monitor wouldn't eat it at the time. But no, not as staple diet. Mice are not in their natural inviroment and they'd be hard pressed to eat it if they did see one. They'd much rather be chewing on an insect or some plant matter. And only two of my females have aquired a taste for them. They're just freaky like that.

These are some pics over the years.
I was going to say you need to build more cages. Looks like you're spoiling them giving them a multistorey dwelling like that. I expect another thread next time. 'Made a dragon condo....' Good job Chaver.
I was going to say you need to build more cages. Looks like you're spoiling them giving them a multistorey dwelling like that. I expect another thread next time. 'Made a dragon condo....' Good job Chaver.

It's actually two cages stacked on top of each other. I have my male up top by himself because he has matured recently and it is mating season, he's always wanting to hump! The females and one other male are at the bottom. You can't put two males together because they'll fight. And your really not suppose to put a male with the females because of the agression, or unless you want them to mate. But the male I have in there with the females now is very nice, calm and cool. That may not last, as he has not matured yet, and this calm and collective temperment is typical for imature male's. Not to say that there are no male Bearded dragons out there that are non-agressive, just that it's rare.