MAFEX Comic Book Line

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What's the cost breakdown?

ML is about 20 bucks
the CoB claw are about 13 + shipping (5.50)
How much is your custom head?

I have the vintage wave wolverine and the most I would do is change out the claws for the CoB ones. If your custom head cost 20 bucks or more, than your custom is already at 60 bucks.

I have both the mafex and ml and I have to admit that the articulation on the mafex is just more fun and more flexible in terms of posing. That to me is worth the extra. There are things I like about both though. Hard for me to let go of any of them.

Yeah I mean I was being a bit snarky, but there's no way his custom is "a fraction" of the price. Even if his total was $50, the joint improvements are well worth it to me, I just hate the aesthetic of having the peg holes on the sides of elbows/knees. Plus all the heads and hands you get with higher end figures.
Yeah I mean I was being a bit snarky, but there's no way his custom is "a fraction" of the price. Even if his total was $50, the joint improvements are well worth it to me, I just hate the aesthetic of having the peg holes on the sides of elbows/knees. Plus all the heads and hands you get with higher end figures.

I don't mind the peg holes really. It's just that the articulation is quite limited. I touched up the head to give it a more jim lee-esque feel and I'm quite happy with it. The new brown wolvie has its issues too, don't get me wrong but it does a lot of things right. I wish they had given him the angry masked face instead of the masked smirking face and I love the curved claws. If I could, I'd put the ML head on the mafex because i think it looks more like jim lee with the shorter mask wings. Anyway, here's how they look right now.

Its seems Mafex chose to go with the iteration of the brown costume with the cut around the armpits , looks pretty dope.
But I bet when this figure comes out people who didn't notice it in the promo images will get pissed off and say "fOr A 100 dOlLaR fIgUrE" they "dRoPpEd ThE bAlL" and its not "accurate" to the comics or they "forgot" to paint the sides of his chest yellow.
Just because they are not familliar with this version of it.

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How the heck have I never noticed that?! I have to write off the cutout armpits as The Mandela Effect. **** has been all criss crossed ever since CERN initiated the Supeohadron Collider about twenty years ago...

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I have the first Wolvie and minus his shortcomings I still prefer him over the LT three pack Wolvie.

Looking to swap out Cyclops next, followed by Gambit.

Planning on getting the Hasbro Sentinel to go with these bad boys and the ML I keep (if Mafex doesn't make them or they most likely won't)
Hi guys, I recently bought one of the wolverine figures second hand at a discounted price because the seller and lost one of his clawed hands, I’m just wondering if anyone here has decided to display there’s without or has upgraded their claws and is willing to part with the original hands, if so, please let me know
My Wolverine and Cyclops FINALLY arrived in the post so here's my 2 cents on them.

Wolverine I LOVE. I get the criticism that the claws are too long and close together (has anyone tried replacing them yet?) but apart from that he's near perfect to me. That's the best Wolverine head I've seen on a figure - The "Ears" of his costume are always too squished down, or flat against the sides of the head on legends. He easily beats any marvel legends version IMO. I really don't understand everyones beef with him.

Cyclops - I really like this figure too. I was initially put off because his proportions seem pretty off. seriously opening him I was like "damn wtf?". I was wondering if it would be possible to extend his body slightly - separating him at the waist joint and extending the gap there under the belt a tiny bit (anyone tried this? seems like it could be simple).. BUT... If you lean his torso back on his joint, he actually makes for a much better look and evens out his proportions.


It might seem a bad 'fix', but this back leaned back, chest puffed out, super-high simon-cowell waist band pose was pretty much his signature pose for most of Jim Lees stuff.


All in all, I really do like these two. I'm STILL not sold on Gambits cloth coat - will have to see how it looks in reviews - would have preferred a plastic on like their hush.

Really hope for a Rogue next (with out to anime a face)
I’m torn between the Mafex and the Mezco Gambit. After the John Wick ****show, I’m pretty put off by Mez atm, but, they’ve done awesome work for the most part. Plus, they’ve done the Moon Knight and a killer Hal Jordan. Not 100% sure I want to mix and match or not.
I’m torn between the Mafex and the Mezco Gambit. After the John Wick ****show, I’m pretty put off by Mez atm, but, they’ve done awesome work for the most part. Plus, they’ve done the Moon Knight and a killer Hal Jordan. Not 100% sure I want to mix and match or not.

Yeah I'm going to go for the Mafex. It's sold out at HLJ or else I'd grab him there, may wait til release and see if Amazon has it. Hopefully they bring down their 2021 shipping prices by then.
Import prices to Canada suck regardless so may get him locally. Knowing me, I’ll get both, to go with my ML and the Amazing Yamaguchi one I picked up. Ragin Cajun’s been my favourite Xmen since I played the game on Sega.
That Mezco Gambit has been tempting me too.

Mafex Gambits coat just looks too oversized and "clothy" in the test shots. I'll wait to see how the final product turns out. (and maybe if there are other coats available).
That Mezco Gambit has been tempting me too.

Mafex Gambits coat just looks too oversized and "clothy" in the test shots. I'll wait to see how the final product turns out. (and maybe if there are other coats available).

Yeah his coat is a bit annoying. I don?t usually like plastic coats but compare the Mafex Gambit to the Mafex Hush Figure, I know what I prefer. Ive got Hush on order, I don?t know if you can bash a Gambit from his coat but I?ll give it a go.
Still pre ordered Psylocke, but something puts me off. Is the head a fraction too small? Maybe not a fan of the hair? I don’t know what it is. Overall, I still like her, but I’m not as happy spending so much on her, even though I was okay spending it on the other XMen.
Ordered Psylocke and have Gambit on PO as well.

Cyclops and Wolverine are already here and have replaced the ML counterparts... Gambit and Psylocke will do the same. Mafex line is shaping up nicely. I imagine we'll get Storm, Beast or Rogue next. I'm hoping to see Nightcrawler, Jean, Iceman, Bishop and Jubilee eventually as well.
Psylocke an insta-preorder for me. Not gonna chance missing out on her, ninjas usually sell well!