MAFEX Comic Book Line

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Why is that reaching $150:slap
Because prices are skyrocketing. They've figured out the consumer base are mostly guys in their 30s-40s stuck in arrested development and with enough disposable income, so they're banking on us not being able to resist. Look at this ****. The new Bandai Captain goes for 240 euros.


That's an 8" fig. No extras. No light ups. What you see is what you get. I mean, come on. There's charging extra and then there's this. All these lines will keep doing this until they just stop selling.
Because prices are skyrocketing. They've figured out the consumer base are mostly guys in their 30s-40s stuck in arrested development and with enough disposable income, so they're banking on us not being able to resist. Look at this ****. The new Bandai Captain goes for 240 euros.


That's an 8" fig. No extras. No light ups. What you see is what you get. I mean, come on. There's charging extra and then there's this. All these lines will keep doing this until they just stop selling.
This is $550 Australian dollars, even though it 'only' costs $240 US dollars, which converts to $330 Australian dollars - that's a AU$220 mark up for no reason.
That comic Iron Man looks great, but, yeah, $150 is nuts! I'm glad I already have some of Mafex's comic-accurate versions of my faves (Spidey, Batman, Wolverine) before the prices went north of $100!
This is $550 Australian dollars, even though it 'only' costs $240 US dollars, which converts to $330 Australian dollars - that's a AU$220 mark up for no reason.
They're afraid of the 'Stralyans and can't handle the bants, so they're punishing them.


But seriously, GW were always greedy overchargers, but this is a new low. I've been waiting for proper 40K toys/merch forever, and all I get are ****** McFarlane, Funko Pops and overpriced GW trash. I'd pay the damn 500 for a great 1/6th figure, but not this nonsense.

What I'm scared of is all these 6" lines actually being more and more successful with their fanbase of battered housewives turning up despite the ever-increasing price points. It's not a scale I collect fully, but I've been thinking of getting some Eva Revoltechs and those things cost like 100 bucks for fragile 6" stick figures. I'm dreading to see how much Mezco will charge for their Doom. I'm even more afraid of them doing a 2099 exclusive that will sell out in a few hours, and me having to pay eBay prices for it. This is just getting out of hand. They're making HT look sane in comparison.
They're afraid of the 'Stralyans and can't handle the bants, so they're punishing them.


But seriously, GW were always greedy overchargers, but this is a new low. I've been waiting for proper 40K toys/merch forever, and all I get are ****** McFarlane, Funko Pops and overpriced GW trash. I'd pay the damn 500 for a great 1/6th figure, but not this nonsense.

What I'm scared of is all these 6" lines actually being more and more successful with their fanbase of battered housewives turning up despite the ever-increasing price points. It's not a scale I collect fully, but I've been thinking of getting some Eva Revoltechs and those things cost like 100 bucks for fragile 6" stick figures. I'm dreading to see how much Mezco will charge for their Doom. I'm even more afraid of them doing a 2099 exclusive that will sell out in a few hours, and me having to pay eBay prices for it. This is just getting out of hand. They're making HT look sane in comparison.
The McFarlane Ultramarine was great for the price, but I don't really like most of their figures. A 1/6 space marine would be amazing, but no doubt GW will charge a grand for it.
I tend to collect comic versions of characters in 1/12 and movie in 1/6. Mezco keeps adding a whole bunch of accessories I'll never use to jack up the prices, the new Wolverine is almost double the cost of a normal figure, and Superman Man of Steel is.about 50% more. I sure hope Spider-Man 2099 is a normal release, because if I have to buy from Mezco directly (assuming they don't get released without warning at 2am and sellout before I wake up) the tax and one shipping option basically doubles the price.
Mafex Iron Man looks great, but it's a lot more expensive than the Mezco which was diecast.
Prices everywhere are getting goofy, but looking at that Iron Man ... hell no.

6" collectors need to stop shelling out for this garbage, save a few figures worth of dollars, and go find a nice beach crawling with bikini clad women (or whatever your preference) to remember what's best in life.

The McFarlane Ultramarine was great for the price, but I don't really like most of their figures. A 1/6 space marine would be amazing, but no doubt GW will charge a grand for it.
I'd sacrifice some other wants of mine for good 40K 1/6th, but like you said, GW would charge so much for it that I don't think I'd be able to justify it.
I tend to collect comic versions of characters in 1/12 and movie in 1/6. Mezco keeps adding a whole bunch of accessories I'll never use to jack up the prices, the new Wolverine is almost double the cost of a normal figure, and Superman Man of Steel is.about 50% more. I sure hope Spider-Man 2099 is a normal release, because if I have to buy from Mezco directly (assuming they don't get released without warning at 2am and sellout before I wake up) the tax and one shipping option basically doubles the price.
Mafex Iron Man looks great, but it's a lot more expensive than the Mezco which was diecast.
I will say that Mezco's the best of the bunch since they add quite a few accessories, and the soft goods do add an extra layer. But apart from one-offs of characters I love so much I get in every scale, I wouldn't collect Mezcos full-time. They cost half an HT at this point and that's just too much for me to justify them.
Prices everywhere are getting goofy, but looking at that Iron Man ... hell no.

6" collectors need to stop shelling out for this garbage, save a few figures worth of dollars, and go find a nice beach crawling with bikini clad women (or whatever your preference) to remember what's best in life.

Who needs filthy 3D when you can buy your own glorious 2D-In-3D Bikini Asuka?!


I still have to build an Eva collection, but even I wouldn't touch these things. I'm thinking of getting the Threezero stuff to put them next to the Bayformers I want, then get the Revoltech human Eva characters. It's one of my favourite Animes, but I don't know if I'd go bigger. I truly wonder who buys all these statues of [insert Anime character in lingerie]. I want my capes to be hardbodies, but come on...
Magneto released
Too bad it doesn't have a purple cape which I think looks better and which is a more general Magneto look. I can't imagine they'll be making another one anytime soon, but who knows, we've seen a second Wolverine.
Too bad it doesn't have a purple cape which I think looks better and which is a more general Magneto look. I can't imagine they'll be making another one anytime soon, but who knows, we've seen a second Wolverine.
Agreed. I was quite disappointed with this, I really wanted the 90s cartoon Magneto.
Prices everywhere are getting goofy, but looking at that Iron Man ... hell no.

6" collectors need to stop shelling out for this garbage, save a few figures worth of dollars, and go find a nice beach crawling with bikini clad women (or whatever your preference) to remember what's best in life.

Or go for a walk. Get out of Mothers basement and smell some fresh air. The world is beautiful and amazing. Collecting is fun, but it's not life.
I agree with the price. Although I think it looks great, why the $130+ price tag. Is it just the big gun? AND if IM is that price, how much is Hulk and Thor going to be since they are bigger figures? I mean SHF Hulk could be found for $60 before shipping from Japan retailers.

I hope this isn't the start of some crazy price hiking. I mean HT and even Koto already priced me out of their brands.
Was able to snag a Magneto - got lucky I guess. Glad I did. I was hesitant on this one, cuz I want the classic look, but who knows when MaFex will get around to it.

Anyway MaFex did awesome on this one. It is great that the protos are looking very close to the production piece. Not much complaint from me.
And I was even surprised that the back of the cape has a little bit of a shine to it. (Not sure what that is called.) But this will be my stand in for now. I did some quick photoshop work to see how I hope the classic version will be (took out hair and colored cape).

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