I've been building up a Private Warehouse on HLJ for a handful of Mafex figures, but I'm just noticing today how much cheaper Nippon-Yasan has them (the Mafex figures are each ~$7 cheaper and the Figuarts Crait Luke is ~$10 cheaper). According to Nippon-Yasan's Pre-Order info page (
https://www.nippon-yasan.com/cms.php?id_cms=10), you can place an order for multiple pre-orders that have different release dates and they won't ship until the last item you pre-ordered is released, but does anyone have experience with that? Some of the release dates for the Mafex figures I'm after are 11 months apart. Will Nippon-Yasan really hold something for 11 months? Does anyone have any idea how much they would charge to ship 8ish figures all at once to me in the USA?