Super Freak
When are they going to give us Ras, Gordon and Zsasz? Wouldn't mind the whole robbery gang from TDK either.
Zsasz is insanely unlikely. He was merely an Easter egg.When are they going to give us Ras, Gordon and Zsasz? Wouldn't mind the whole robbery gang from TDK either.
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This was shown as well. Anyone know what the deal with the second chest piece is?
Probably because the other one holds the cape, like on the Begins Bats?
Do we know if these come with Ra's or Bruce Wayne (more likely, I guess...)?
Normally I’d be elated for Ra’s, but Medicom struggles with human face sculpts so my expectations are low. The masked head sculpt will probably look fine, though, so I might end up pulling the trigger when the time comes. I love Neeson’s Ra’s.