So I couldn't sleep last night, and I was re-reading this thread, and admiring my Mafex Robo, thinking to myself "Yeah...this really IS the best RoboCop figure I've ever owned!"
And then, a whim popped into my head, as they sometimes do at 3 in the morning when you can't sleep. I thought "Hmmm....maybe I'll drop a dab of krazy glue and keep that loose chest magnet in once and for all."
And like all ideas at 3 in the ended badly.
I'm a complete and total klutz. The krazy glue looked like it was dried out and not coming out, so I squeezed harder. Yeah, I got the magnet glued in. But I also managed to get drops of freaking krazy glue on various spots on the figure. Tried wiping it only made it worse.
So here I was admiring how wonderful the figure was, and a few moments later, I effectively destroyed it. Ever been there?
Now to a non-collector, they might not even notice. But you guys know how it is. YOU would notice. A big section of the paint right below his neck is gone, and the neck is covered in sticky residue forever. I even managed to get some on his ass.
On other figures I might have just cursed myself and let it go, but this is honestly one of my favorites. So I immediately went to amazon to order a new one. I can't have this kind of imperfection on a figure that's so dear to me.
Amazon japan actually had the RoboCop 3 version for 500 yen less than the first version, so I thought, hey, why the hell not? Same basic figure for less money, plus more stuff. The only two pieces missing are the damaged chest and helmet and thankfully those were not involved with the krazy glue incident.
Well, for being an evil corporation, I gotta give credit to amazon prime....about 12 hours later, my new Robo arrived. Thankfully QC problems at all.
Now there's not much that a bunch of random nerds can agree on, but I think one of them is the fact that RoboCop 3 was a terrible, terrible movie. Just awful. But hey...the jetpack and gun arm are cool looking at the very least.
So my Robo got an unexpected upgrade thanks to my clumsiness, and now I'm out 8000 yen I really shouldn't have spent. But oh well. That's life.
Now that I have two of the three, I'm tempted to get the Robo 2 version just to complete them. But that one is sold out and going for 13,000 on amazon from resellers. But knowing me, I'll probably end up buying it anyway at 3 in the morning.