Precisely why I'm ok with Skynet calling the shots. Us bags of meat are not the future... machines are.
well, when i commented you i felt like a smartass, now i feel ashamed for being rude. i'm sorry.
Precisely why I'm ok with Skynet calling the shots. Us bags of meat are not the future... machines are.
well, when i commented you i felt like a smartass, now i feel ashamed for being rude. i'm sorry.
I've had varying luck posting from my phone or using different providers and kinda just gave up on being able to figure out how to imbed the pics. This is why I love this community, thanks again Rogerbee!
Otomofan - I spend too much time on Facebook, apparently - I keep wanting to 'Like' your posts. I love it when people really get down and dirty with the details. Especially with pics.![]()
I PM you Rogerbee.
final product color doesn't differ from that photo. at all.
And if the final colour would not differ from the prototype i don't think some truly artists would have launched themself in a total repaint and a dedicated thread.
The HT one is superb but i would have been frustrated by the paint
With all my respect between the prototype:
And the final product:
i personnaly don't see any similitude... I don't speak about the likenesse or sculpt but the paint is completly different.