For those who asked about the differences wih the Hot Toys version, i recently managed to grab a Battle Damaged version at a relatively "decent" price if we consider a little bit more than 300 $ decent ...
You know what? i kept it three days and sold it...
Don't get me wrong , the figure is impressive with a lot of details, especially with this BD version. It is much more detailed and refined than the mafex of course.
I initially bought this version because the standard was already too expensive to add funds in order to do a re-paint.
But i don't know why i wasn't 100% satisfied with this full of remorse purchase... The details on the back of the head were crazy and the sculpt was maybe one of the most successfull realisations of HT but i founded flaws that if at 200$ are acceptable, at 300 and more aren't anymore. The general paint job is still too silver and has quite no blue or purple shades and if from profile view the sculpt matches , in front it is not 100% Weller.
Do our expectations rise in the same way that the funds we put in it? Probably, it's human... If i bought it at the initial price i think i would have been really satisfied, so it is entirely may fault, i should had not wait these crazy prices.
The other thing is that i begun to realize that more the size of the figure increases, more the "fun factor" decreases... I'm maybe not interested as i was in 1/6 figures. This is maybe why i sold all my SW and Iron Man 1/6 stuff a few years ago. (I just kept a 1/6 Iron Man statue... because it is a statue and not a figure)
I remember, by the way, when i received my first 1/6 SS Stormtrooper, that weird and unpleasant feeling to have rather a doll than an action figure.
Always found that 1/6 were too big. Makes me remember when my mother bought me a couple of Big Jim is the 80's. I don't remember to have found it really cool, and had a lot more fun with my GI Joe, MOTU and Kenner's action figures.
Strangely i did not experienced this feeling with my DX-08 / 09 (still the best figure to date IMO) and 14. Maybe because Batman 89 is still my favourite movie and character, and they wonderfully "dress" the 89 Batmobile, witch is my grail and the thing that put me into this hobby. And finally maybe because there is nothing that comes close in term of quality and accuracy in this line on the market.
When i think that at the time i paid 190 $ for DX-08 and 205 $ for DX-09 new in box...
So, sorry for this huge out of subject...
All this to say that even if the HT Robocops are far superior in terms of details, finish and general quality, the Mafex is IMO still the best deal, and best fun / quality / accuracy / price ratio.
I mean for a really small price you've got a really well detailed and accurate figure. And i can tell you that if it less refined, the general paint job is way more accurate that the HT version.
HT could have achieved the faultless but this paint...
For about 80 $, it is close to perfection and 100 % Robocop from 1987
But i would not offense anyone and it is only my personal opinion...
Sorry for my bad english...