oints and laughs:
Oh God, my tummy hurts...
Ok, ok...
Baseball will never have a cap, and the MLBPA will never buckle. It's the strongest union in America and that's it.
If you are a fan of the Sox or other major market teams -- ENJOY it. Hope your owners spend the money right and get what they need. The small market clubs can go screw. I don't feel bad for KC, PITT or FLA - those owners have money to spend. AND MANY TIMES THEY DONT. Heck, it took some noting by MLB to get the Marlins to finally spend some cash - and they did, locking up a few young players. SO, spend the money. Some of these owners are notoriously cheap, sure they dnt generate the monster revenue the Yanks can, as NY has been revolutionary with their network and marketing, and bringing in the dollars the way they have.
BUT THEY SPEND IT. Whether you like it or not, whether it takes them X-amount of dollars to attain a championship, they give their fans quality and chase the best.
I point and laugh at those fans that have horrible owners, cheap owners and life in markets where they have a joke of a franchise.
Those are the rules - live with it. NO cap, no problem...
Spend the money!
The Indians are cheap. They could have kept CC early on by showing him the money. They didnt, go screw. It happened with A.Belle and others. You had a great ballpark, that was new, generating sell out after sell out after sell out, your in a good market and the owners couldnt pony up? Heck, those teams with Alomar/Baerga, Belle, Thome, Lofton et. that were fun to watch - you trying to tell me they didnt generate money back then?
I have no pity...