Frozen was awesome, Ebenezer.
No it wasn't...
true. but i was referring to disney's frozen.
not this ****.
I'd rather watch THAT Frozen once a week and twice on Sundays for a year rather than be submitted to Disney's Frozen ever again...
Disney's frozen was nice, it was funny, but I really don't get the hype. Tangled was a lot better, Even Brave was a little better.
People keep acting like Brave is the new Lion King or something but I don't see what the big deal is
Tangled is a superior film... for sure! Brave was great!!! Not Liong King great, but very good!
So i take it you're not a big fan of musicals?
I like Avenue Q and Lion King, but, no, not a big fan of musicals... though Frozen's problems go beyond it's music... particularly that it deviates too much from it's source material, the story is pretty stupid, even for a kids movie, comedic sidekicks aren't funny, and there's never ever a real "villain" just a dumb, watered down version of better Disney movies.
I thought Frozen was great, for what it is.
A stinking pile of poo?

Anyway, we're digressing, Maleficent was a bad movie...