Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

:google you.....don't think SR is a reboot??? Umm, Singer along with the rest of the free world knew & said that movie was a reboot dude, where the hell you bin hiding?? I had this ultra fancy SR tin DVD that had EVERY FREAKIN SUPERMAN related media in it with the exception of Supergirl.

I mean this collector edt even had this GAWD AWFUL but funny as hell pilot for a musical superman tv show :rotfl

Any the behind the scenes section Singer clearly points out that he's rebooting the franchise from the Superman's 3&4 that were an utter fiasco. So yeah, its a reboot.

Or should I say......WAS a reboot.

Nah, Singer's movie wasn't actually a reboot. It was an extension of Superman I and II. Singer basically said that Returns basically just pretended that Superman III and IV never existed. So it wasn't a reboot, but a sequel to I and II. Which is why Brandon Routh was cast to be as close to Reeve as they could get.

I mean, Superman's "Son" in returns was a result of the night that Superman spent with Lois in the Fortress of Solitude in Superman II.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

Nah, Singer's movie wasn't actually a reboot. It was an extension of Superman I and II. Singer basically said that Returns basically just pretended that Superman III and IV never existed. So it wasn't a reboot, but a sequel to I and II. Which is why Brandon Routh was cast to be as close to Reeve as they could get.

I mean, Superman's "Son" in returns was a result of the night that Superman spent with Lois in the Fortress of Solitude in Superman II.

Yep, the main problem and reason that it wasn't an overwhelming success was the fact that SR WAS NOT a reboot, but a sequel in the existing franchise.

With Nolan I want a real reboot and they need to approach the character with a new and different take. The best comic book movies are faithful to the bare bones of the character, but offer up something new and different. We don't need an origin story though - I think Smallville has that covered very well. But a true menace to Superman rather than a bumbling real estate agent with delusions of grandeur is called for. Luthor can be menacing if handled properly - but I'd want to see Luthoriac or something truly epic.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

Nah, Singer's movie wasn't actually a reboot. It was an extension of Superman I and II. Singer basically said that Returns basically just pretended that Superman III and IV never existed. So it wasn't a reboot, but a sequel to I and II. Which is why Brandon Routh was cast to be as close to Reeve as they could get.

I mean, Superman's "Son" in returns was a result of the night that Superman spent with Lois in the Fortress of Solitude in Superman II.

well when some one tells me they are pretending something didn't happen or exsist, that spells REBOOT ot me. example: the piece of crap Asus web not book I'm writing this on crashes almost every half hour because its proscessing capablities are limited. If I click on what ever too fast, the computer will get all confused & crash.

Thus a reboot is needed. The computer needs to forget all about the big bad link that scared it to death :rotfl & that is EXACTLY what Nolan's Superman will do for all of us (I hope & pray anyway :pray:). It will make us forget about the Kryptonite immune or resistant, bad rehash of the 1st script, love child having Superman that crashed what would have been our love for the movie.

yup....reboot alright!
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I read a Nolan interview in Empire Magazine regarding Superman MOS, and I have to say it made me feel that Nolan knows exactly what the fans want.

Here's an excerpt from the Mag

Just because Nolan chose to root Batman in dingy reality, it does not mean he'll do the same for Kal-El; he won't be suddenly going Dark. What's important to Nolan here is finding the core of what makes the character so indelible; what made it so successful at it's( forgive the word) inception. He favours the back to basics approach. "What you have to remember with both Batman and Superman" he tells EMPIRE, "is that what makes those the best Superhero characters there are, the most beloved after all this time, is the essence of who those characters were when they were created and when they were first developed. And you can't ever move too far from that."
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I read a Nolan interview in Empire Magazine regarding Superman MOS, and I have to say it made me feel that Nolan knows exactly what the fans want.

Here's an excerpt from the Mag

Eh, the piece makes me wonder if we will get Superman's roots (again). It appears he wants to create a base which the character can be built which IMO leans towards another "beginnings" story. :slap At least based on the excerpt, I haven't read the entire article.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

Eh, the piece makes me wonder if we will get Superman's roots (again). It appears he wants to create a base which the character can be built which IMO leans towards another "beginnings" story. :slap At least based on the excerpt, I haven't read the entire article.

IMHO, what's so indelible about Superman is that he's a nearly omnipotent god that wants to just be human and he strives to embody what he sees as all the best traits of humanity. You don't need another origin story to get that across.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I read a Nolan interview in Empire Magazine regarding Superman MOS, and I have to say it made me feel that Nolan knows exactly what the fans want.

Here's an excerpt from the Mag

I'm sorry but what dose "MOS" stand for?
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I'm sorry but what dose "MOS" stand for?


I Hope Nolan is as big a comic fan as some say, He made the THE DARK KNIGHT, and IMO thats one of the best comic films made, so my hopes are SUPER high for this film. I hope Goyer really comes up with somthing good if he is in fact going to be the writer. And it shouldnt be an Origin story, Smallville has already done that and in an awesome way. THe new Superman film needs an AWESOME VILLIAN! Someone we havnt scene yet!
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

MOS = Man of Steel (the proposed title)

Let's get some common ground, despite what one may think or may believe the reality is this: Singer's SUPERMAN RETURNS is a sequel. It is for intents and purposes an overlay sequel completely negating the existence of SUPERMAN III and SUPERMAN IV. If Singer's franchise had been successful one would have realistically gotten a new SUPERMAN IV that would have continued the storylines in SUPERMAN RETURNS. Nolan's SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL is a reboot, in all sense of the word. It will complete wipe out the existence of any other Superman film in terms of a new continuity just like he did with BATMAN BEGINS. An origin story is a given, those who think otherwise are kidding themselves really. I'm just hoping that what Nolan did for Batman giving us a new origin that was different and interesting and didn't make us feel like "Oh crap, this again?" will repeat for Superman. There is a ton of great material to do an origin story that is nothing like we've seen before on film if they want to go there from various points of Superman's should be an interesting few years ahead.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

For DC superheroes Batman and Supes, I don't mind repeated origin stories, because I find that their births are far more interesting and literary than Marvel heroes.

I actually actively seek out Superman origin stories in comics. Superman For All Seasons, Superman Birthright, etc etc, can't enough of them.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I have not been on for a while, so I thought I would pop on there for some info, only to find it's been closed down. :(
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

No no doomsday, Brainniac!
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I have not been on for a while, so I thought I would pop on there for some info, only to find it's been closed down. :(

see what happens when you ban all of your "colorful", engaging, off beat & interesting members. no one wants to login just to read the same hum drum blah blah crap every day.

RATINGS PEOPLE.....its all about ratings.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I would like to see Superman go up against someone other then Lex.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I would like to see Superman go up against someone other then Lex.

I would just like Lex to have a cool evil plan this time, and to not be constantly made into the world's most evil real estate agent.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I want to see a Superman movie, where his is actually an action hero... I'd love to see a sequence where he is battling a supervillian like Brainiac or Metallo in Metropolis at doing things like throwing them in the air to save a bunch of civilians from the damage from the the brawl then getting on with the fight that is as well done as the end battle between the two Supermen in Superman: Doomsday!!!

Say whatever you like about that cartoon, but I will fight anyone that say those fight scenes went EPIC... Although I do hate how much collateral damage they do in those cartoon and don't get me started on Superman blowing up a 3rd of Metropolis to kill Doomsday!? WTF? If it was in central park I would have accepted it... But a dozen skyscrapers??? C'mon!?!?!?

He did more damage that Doomsday did!

Also, I was thinking about the Nolan Produced Superman... He is big on using talented actors! Bale as Batman, Ledger as the Joker and Murphy as Scarecrow... All were great and interesting choices... I dare say he might cast a name actor as Superman...
I could see Hugh Jackman, but I reckon Jake Gyllenhaal could be a contender... The only problem is that he is rather particular looking, which might make the whole Superman/Kent angle hard to play.
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Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

yeah that goofy but handsome mugg would never go over as Superman. Keaton got by but only because Batman wear a mask.

Any way, guess what! I just had a revalation!! what to do with the next Superman movie has been perplexing both fans & studio alike right. Well as I was thinking about how bad Singer crashed the franchise & how the next Sups should be & also about all the buzz about a possible JL movie.

Well something dawned on me! Singer's mess is actualy mixed blessings. At this moment in the franchise history Superman is standing at a fork in the road. Singer made such mess of things that it damaged or weakened the franchise. which got me to thinking about when we see Sups powers made less. & we all now thats when he's in concert with other heroes like the JL.

What we are looking at in a once in a life time opertunity! If Superman ever had the chance to transistion to a League movie.....THIS IS IT! BUT, if they go the route of bringing him back as a stand alone DC power house, then it will be next to impossible to intergrate him in to a JL movie in the future (that is & not have it suck ass).

It would seem DC & WB have some really hard choices to make. Use Sups now in the 4 year wake of Singer's SR flop to give DC fans a JL movie that if done right, could very well be the stuff of Hollywood ledgens.

Or, chose in stead to make a stand alone reboot that will hopefully return the man of steel to the near god like symbol that has been DC's Flag character for decades.
Re: The Man of Steel/Nolan's Superman

I would like to see Superman go up against someone other then Lex.

Great Idea KAL!!!:clap

We need to see a good FIGHT! a villian that supes has to take head on and a real challenge. Mabey if Lex had the Lex-Corp Biosuit he could be a good threat! A Superman movie needs a good villian!