Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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But be consistent. It's not like IRON MAN 3 was written by William Goldman or anything. It's quite dumb in its own ways.

You shouldn't switch between film geek & cinema snob on the fly. :lol
The way this movie was shot and the tone, it really made you feel like you had too.

Not for me. There's thinking and over thinking. When you have a movie this huge with so much going on, getting involved in all the minutiae takes away from the least for me. It is just a movie after all.

That being said, some of you have interesting ideas and it's a good ongoing conversation.
But be consistent. It's not like IRON MAN 3 was written by William Goldman or anything. It's quite dumb in its own ways.

You shouldn't switch between film geek & cinema snob on the fly. :lol

I never said it was smart. But it gave me everything I asked for in a Shane Black Iron Man movie.

Man of Steel didn't give me what I was hoping for. And it was hands down the disappointment of the summer. And you ****ING KNOW THIS. You know I was excited. :lol
Not for me. There's thinking and over thinking. When you have a movie this huge with so much going on, getting involved in all the minutiae takes away from the least for me. It is just a movie after all.

That being said, some of you have interesting ideas and it's a good ongoing conversation.

What I mean is, Snyder shot a lot of the film like a arthouse, visual metaphor movie. Add in the grey tone, plus how dark the subject matter got at times, did evoke some emotions inside me. Especially during the fights. Which should've been fun, but they felt more serious then I was hoping for. Which frustrated me.
I dunno. Can't help you there I guess. I'd think MOS would give you everything you'd want in a Zack Snyder Superman movie (with the admitted handicap of being based on a David Goyer script).
I dunno. Can't help you there I guess. I'd think MOS would give you everything you'd want in a Zack Snyder Superman movie (with the admitted handicap of being based on a David Goyer script).

Well, the way he shot it led me to believe it was going to be a lot more character heavy then it was. Despite him being an action director, I was really hoping he would break that down, and get into these character's heads, so once we get to the final battle, everything is laid out, and makes sense.

Didn't get that, because the script is just poor. Or like I said, the directors cut. I'm willing to watch that. I don't care if it's 4 hours long.
it wasn't said they weren't able to, but they alluded to it that it was difficult which probably meant because of the strict laws that forbid it and also reproductive reasons.

But like i said, it was mainly Population control. That was the law.


The very hallmark of a decadent society is sex for pleasure, divorced from procreation. We have a sizeable contingent right here in the USA going full-tilt Yosemite Sam over the mere idea: "YOU WOMENZ need to hold aspirins between your knees and there wont be none of them illegitimate babies, it worked for Granny and it'll work for you, YOU SLUTS!!! P.S. rape never happens!!! Unless God ordains it!! SLUTS!!!!" and then they craft legislation around these brilliant concepts. [...unfortunately it didn't work for Granny either, but this inconvenient fact is swept under the rug.]

So what do you think the Kryptonians would do? Are they that draconian? This is an advanced civilization, thousands of years older than ours [see: decadent] and I don't see them [or any sensible people] throwing out the baby with the bathwater, please do pardon the pun. If they're growing babies in the Matrix, believe it: they were not doing without sexual pleasure. Why on earth would they? Pregnancy is no longer a problem.

....Those lucky devils! But I seriously doubt sex was actually ILLEGAL there.
Hmmmm, received a VUDU preorder notice for the "Theatrical" version.


HDX Digital Copy $20.00
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Blu-Ray™ With HDX Digital Copy $26.96
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MAN OF STEEL: An Inside Look (Featurette)
Experience MAN OF STEEL with high-flying behind the scenes clips and exclusive interviews. Available Fall 2013
MAN OF STEEL: Motion Comic (Featurette)
Walmart Exclusive motion comic book created by David Goyer, the writer of MAN OF STEEL.
Available Fall 2013.
MAN OF STEEL: Exclusive Content (Featurette)
MAN OF STEEL featurette. Available Fall 2013.
Theatrical Release. Available Fall 2013.
Hmmmm, received a VUDU preorder notice for the "Theatrical" version.


HDX Digital Copy $20.00
Own MAN OF STEEL (Theatrical) in HDX Digital Copy.
Stream or Download to Any VUDU-Enabled Device.
Blu-Ray™ With HDX Digital Copy $26.96
Own MAN OF STEEL (Theatrical) on Blu-Ray and Receive a HDX Digital Copy. Stream or Download to any VUDU-Enabled Device.

MAN OF STEEL: An Inside Look (Featurette)
Experience MAN OF STEEL with high-flying behind the scenes clips and exclusive interviews. Available Fall 2013
MAN OF STEEL: Motion Comic (Featurette)
Walmart Exclusive motion comic book created by David Goyer, the writer of MAN OF STEEL.
Available Fall 2013.
MAN OF STEEL: Exclusive Content (Featurette)
MAN OF STEEL featurette. Available Fall 2013.
Theatrical Release. Available Fall 2013.

Since it says theatrical release so much .I guess i’ll hold out for the extended cut hoping they do one.
Well, the way he shot it led me to believe it was going to be a lot more character heavy then it was. Despite him being an action director, I was really hoping he would break that down, and get into these character's heads, so once we get to the final battle, everything is laid out, and makes sense.

Didn't get that, because the script is just poor. Or like I said, the directors cut. I'm willing to watch that. I don't care if it's 4 hours long.

I agree, the writing was pretty poor. I'm surprised someone at DC who read the script didn't want to make some changes. I can't believe that they just green lit a movie where superman man kills when the script is so lacking.
When Zod was under arrest for the attempted coup, his now famous "I will find him" was said right in front of the council.

So the council didn't have a problem with what Jor-el and Lara did?

Jor-el stole the codec and Lara is just standing there with the council like nothing happened.

They must've known what happened, Zod confronted Lara in front of the entire council.

Ok, this movie is falling apart. :lol

The movie started out with JorEl telling the council his plan. "I'll take the Codex, we'll go to the outposts, we can change, I have held the future in my own hands"

They didn't seem bent out of sorts when he said this before Zod and Co. stormed the council chamber, why all of the sudden would they be like, "OMG HE DID IT, THAT BASTARD DID IT".

Even if they were shocked/appaled at his (Jor El's) actions why would Zod yelling about the child be that big of a deal to these councilmen who were obviously fairly stoic, they were like Big Whoop when the lady Speaker was blasted by Zod in front of them. :dunno