Man Thing Comiquette - epic cancellations?

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i don't know, but here's another question, if you cancel flex do you get charged a fee even if you haven't been charged a payment yet??

$20 before first, $40 before second and $60 before the third.

and you don't get charge right away, you have to look at the date on schedule when you are confirming to the Flex payment, it might be a lil after that sometimes but most of the time it's that schedule date to the right on the Sideshow page.
i don't know, but here's another question, if you cancel flex do you get charged a fee even if you haven't been charged a payment yet??

Sure do but I wonder if it will be more of a fee for him since he cost so much.
No $20 before the first. I cancelled the alien warrior 1:1 after the second payment and it cost $60.....yeah I know I should have kept it, one of my biggest mistakes. It would have only cost me a $30 overdraft fee :(
Sure do but I wonder if it will be more of a fee for him since he cost so much.

I wouldn't think so, in the FAQ section and return policy guidelines it states for all Flex payment plans. I don't think they can or at least this point bend their own rules just because a piece is higher in price.

Either that or they get you with 4 Flex payments, and I would assume the cancellation fee just increments by $20 the further you bail out of the payment plan.
No $20 before the first. I cancelled the alien warrior 1:1 after the second payment and it cost $60.....yeah I know I should have kept it, one of my biggest mistakes. It would have only cost me a $30 overdraft fee :(

Ummm :lecture -->

$20 before first, $40 before second and $60 before the third.

and you don't get charge right away, you have to look at the date on schedule when you are confirming to the Flex payment, it might be a lil after that sometimes but most of the time it's that schedule date to the right on the Sideshow page.
Never used that FlexPay option. Hmmm, sounds interesting...
I think I just got my Christmas present---Creature from Black Lagoon Bust --off Ebay :banana

This one is looking more like a cancel :monkey2
isnt it sold out???how did they offer you the flexpay??

I have one ordered, was thinking of canceling and in the process of canceling they offer you a box for other payment options.
I clicked it and SSC offered the flex-pay....
I never did a flex-pay before.
I have one ordered, was thinking of canceling and in the process of canceling they offer you a box for other payment options.
I clicked it and SSC offered the flex-pay....
I never did a flex-pay before.

*secretly laughs at quad while crying*