Mars Toys 1/6 Prank Villain (Three versions of Cesar Romero's Joker)

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I’d rather have a complete set. If people miss out and don’t habe a chance to join later, they don’t buy the other figures resulting in lesser releases. A helthy line need customers. Core characters need to be available.
Maybe the rerelease was just too early.
I understand what you're saying. But if the first figure in a set sells out, then it stands to reason that subsequent figures in that set will sell out too. Everyone who bought the first figure (Joker) will very likely buy the next figures (Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman). So there's probably no fear for the seller in not having the first figure available when selling subsequent figures in that same set.
From a business side, I can see why you do second runs. Especially with core characters such as Joker.
Let’s say you have an edition size of 500 figures. If these are sold out, you have your clients for every other related release such as Riddler.
Who wants to purchase a 66 Riddler without a 66 Joker? I would say that there are more people buying Joker as a stand alone piece. So if you want to continue with an edition size of 500 for Riddler, you nee more people who own Joker, so a rerelease makes absolutely sense - especially with Riddler being on preorder.
Yet I can understand the frustration from Mars and you. An easy solution might be to not do a straight rerelease but a variant. Joker for example could have easily sported a more purple suit.
Finishing a set of 4 villains is not an easy task as you will lose buyers with every release and the last release still needs to sell.
Hot Toys Watchmen and Soosootoys Watchmen both failed with giving us all characters. There must be a reason and I cannot imagine those companies to leave money on the table just because of being focused on something else.


I think the "more purple suit" will eventually be JazzInc's gateway to making a Romero Joker, something he's so far stated he wouldn't do because he doesn't want to replicate something Mars has already down so well.
I understand what you're saying. But if the first figure in a set sells out, then it stands to reason that subsequent figures in that set will sell out too. Everyone who bought the first figure (Joker) will very likely buy the next figures (Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman). So there's probably no fear for the seller in not having the first figure available when selling subsequent figures in that same set.
I respectfully disagree.

Lets say there are 500 Romero Jokers in the first run. Do you really expect these 500 people to buy Riddler? This is not going to happen. Joker 66 is a great stand alone character. However the other way around Riddler 66 is not as iconic as Joker (judging from the fan base - my personal opinion is totally different but doesn’t matter for a business view). Now think further: Who would buy Penguin or Catwoman or Tut as a stand-alone piece?
These figures are already appealing to a niche so the production number might be rather small. If you want to make money with it however you need to keep the numbers at a certain (for me unkown) level. Therefore you need people to somehow get on board with a new character release. Ebery release needs to make money. if orders fall short you will have to cancel the line before it’s done to not lose money.
I’d rather have a complete set. If people miss out and don’t habe a chance to join later, they don’t buy the other figures resulting in lesser releases. A helthy line need customers. Core characters need to be available.
Maybe the rerelease was just too early.
Ppl will ALWAYS miss out whether it’s b/c they didn’t PO and the figure is now sold out, they weren’t collecting at the time, they didn’t know about Mars Toys or whatever other reason they want to throw out there. No matter what, someone will always miss out and you can’t always cater to those ppl. If they really want the figure after the fact, then they will have to do what the rest of us typically have to do and that’s find it on the secondary market or just not buy it at all.

For example, I didn’t PO HT Cad Bane, AOTC Clone Trooper, Boba Fett and other SW figures that have sold out from pretty much all US retailers, some even before release and now I either have to hope some ppl cancel and I get a second chance, a waitlist converts or suck it up and go the eBay route later.

You can’t just keep reissuing figures. No one else really does it, so no need for Mars to have to always do it either. Ppl use the excuse of them leaving money on the table but that’s always the reason someone will give when they want something.

The only REAL reason anyone wants a reissue for a very popular figure that has sold out is b/c they don’t want to pay aftermarket prices for that figure they now want. Simple as that. And again, that’s no one’s fault but their own for NOT POing the figure. If the figure had turned out like crap, they would be saying, “man I’m glad I didn’t put a PO down for this. I just knew it wasn’t going to look anything like the proto. Sad but money saved. Sucks for you guys who actually believed they could make something good. Did you NOT see their DX08 KO though? That should’ve given you a clue about the quality of this release.” But since it turned out pretty great, they all want a reissue and will give every reason under the sun why it’s in Mars best interest to do a second run.

It’s already happened with the Dynamic Duo. It’s getting a reissue for the ppl who missed out b/c how well those came out for the most part. And I guarantee if Riddler looks good upon releases, the cycle will continue of ppl begging for a reissue b/c they “missed out” when in actuality they just did not PO for one reason or another, most likely b/c they doubted the final production quality.
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But if there were no 2nd batches I would have missed out on the Present Toys Indiana Jones.
On the other hand, I can understand Kit's point of view also. It's a dilemma, no doubt.
My cousin married the second of two twins. She was the 2nd batch. He favors 2nd batches.
But I told him his wife is an exact replica while the 2nd batch Joker is not. :ROFLMAO:
Hey! I'm a second batch!
I’d rather have a complete set. If people miss out and don’t habe a chance to join later, they don’t buy the other figures resulting in lesser releases. A helthy line need customers. Core characters need to be available.
Maybe the rerelease was just too early.

This 100%. With no second batch, I'm not ordering the second batch Batman and Robin and certainly not ordering The Riddler or anyone else. Leaving lots of money on the table. It's not like 3rd party figures are clear and obvious either, the amount of people who saw the Mars Toys Joker in hand release pics and had no idea about it seemed pretty high.
There is no win either way. Complaints if it's better. Complaints if it's worse. Most second, third, etc. batches come because there is a demand. However, if they can not deliver the same quality as the initial run (which is why there is the next run) then don't do it. Who needs that headache. If you missed it you scour the internet, ask around who might still have it, hit the secondary market, or do with out. That's how this hobby has worked since I joined. Hell, when I joined their was no internet.
I wholeheartedly agree with Gipetto's post above. I'm pissed I missed Tarkin. I knew he existed but thought I had time. I'm not paying much above MSRP, so I live without. It's part of the hobby; unless money is no object.
As far as leaving money on the table; there's money on other tables.
OK, so... First, I have to say I'm really impressed with this figure -- yes, it is Batch 2.

The outfit tailoring is fantastic, the extras are crazy fun, and the 3 heads and brilliant. I believe I just had the same excitement from this that so many seemed to have had with that v1 Joker.

The figure did not appear sloppy in the tray to me... in fact, he seemed rather neatly futzed.


condition out of box.jpg
So, yes, I got the "wide collar" and the "double hand"... as I was expecting.

Collar is not so bad, and likely I would not have noticed had it not been pointed out. At least not at first.

collar cu.jpg

The magnet vest seems to work fine -- it's a little tight once you pull up the pants but I can get it closed and it stays that way. A little piece of the magnet strip is peeking out at the bottom, but that seems like an easy fix.

vest cu.jpg

The only odd thing of note is the CUFFS on my green shirt. I have not taken the jacket off, but while trying to pull the shirt cuffs out of the jacket sleeves, it appears that one of my cuffs is fastened like a French cuff, while the other is sewn like a regular button sleeve.

Not sure which way is correct, but either way, I'm halfway there.

The body seems fine -- I'd like stiffer ankles but he stands without a stand. My left arm popped out of its socket at the elbow but popped right back in without issue.

That is literally ALL the "problems" that I had... which are basically nothing.

Overall... I LOVE THIS FIGURE!!!

Thank you Mars for giving me a 2nd chance to get one.

Thank you Kit for getting Joker to me in perfect condition, and for being GREAT -- and also for having a cool Destroyer kitty!
Glad you found joy in this figure. I was as "giddy as a school girl" when I got mine. Just like when I got the Mego rogues. Excited for the rest of this line. Hope it doesn't stop at 2 or 3.
Thanks for the review, Wor-Gar.
You don’t know this but one of the reasons I am in this hobby is because of you. Your reviews and pictures of your James Bond collection blew me away and I obsessively bought most of the Bond figures. Hard to believe that’s been probably 15 years ago. The Bond line fizzled out, unfortunately, but one of my other loves is the 1966 Batman. I won’t see a Red Grant but I hope to see a rogues gallery.
My Joker is stuck in a black hole called Orlando. After 3 days, I keep thinking surely it will move south but not yet. I’ll post my thoughts and pictures when he arrives.
Thanks for the review, Wor-Gar.
You don’t know this but one of the reasons I am in this hobby is because of you. Your reviews and pictures of your James Bond collection blew me away and I obsessively bought most of the Bond figures. Hard to believe that’s been probably 15 years ago. The Bond line fizzled out, unfortunately, but one of my other loves is the 1966 Batman. I won’t see a Red Grant but I hope to see a rogues gallery.
My Joker is stuck in a black hole called Orlando. After 3 days, I keep thinking surely it will move south but not yet. I’ll post my thoughts and pictures when he arrives.

Wow, thanks! I miss those old Bond days. :duff

I hope I haven't led you astray down a deep rabbit hole though. :lol

You do know that Mars made a sneaky little announcement some time ago that they were going to be doing BOND characters, right? So maybe besides the Rogues Gallery for Batman, Mars might be doing some old James Bond villains too. Now wouldn't that be something?

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