Since there was nothing to order, I was looking at Bowen's Ultron. Seems all the detail is in this guys face/head area. It would make for a great LSB, maybe a light up feature?
Hmm...if the Ultron they decided to use was from the current Mighty Avengers title....I might actually go directly to a premium format....

I also like what this blogger has to say about the new Ultron.
"Okay, so I ask you this. How did this Ultron come to be? I think it went something like this at a Marvel Writers Summit...
BENDIS: I'd really like to bring Ultron back. That would be cool.
QUESADA: Whatever you say Brian.
BENDIS: Let's do another Avengers series.
QUESADA: Whatever you say Brian.
BENDIS: I'd like to make Ultron really tough.
QUESADA: Whatever you say Brian.
BENDIS: Who are we looking at to do the art?
QUESADA: We're looking for series for Frank Cho to do.
BENDIS: Cho? Really? Okay, I've got it! Ultron will be a naked chick!
QUESADA: Whatever you say Brian.
Now, I'm not above some T&A in my comics, but in an Avengers book? This much of it? Frank Cho draws a mean woman, I grant you that. But do we need that many money shots in one issue? Captain America is rolling over in his grave.
Also, how do you think the "cloud censors" are determined? I mean, is there a limit on the number of non-nippled breasts that can be in a book before the "cloud censors" come out?
I don't know, the whole thing has got me confused."