WORD! Finally some Zombie love.Shai Hulud said:ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS.
WORD! Finally some Zombie love.Shai Hulud said:ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS.
Darth Roranous said:
TrueThe ill Jedi said:
Now if that's not perfection, I don't know what is!
I mean come on! Two of the things I love most in this world, Marvel/Spider-Man & Zombies! What's NOT to love!
Double true.The ill Jedi said:For those that aren't really feeling this, maybe it's 'cause you didn't read the Marvel Zombies comics, or don't know about the origins?
I need it!Shai Hulud said:HULK ZOMBIE !!!
Jedi_Mike said:Zombies? Good. Spidey? Good. This Statue? Not Good. I don't know but its not vibing with me, I just don't have a liking for it. Now if this was a PF with tattered clothing and such maybe but as a standard sculpted statue I'm not liking it. I think it might have to do with the Mary Jane addition....not feeling the wedding piece. Maybe when it goes on clearance I'll nab it for a Halloween decoration...