For me it's less about the colour scheme and more about the design. I don't want them to like like jumpsuits from the 50s. I want a more techy, futuristic design. For my money, the current looks are perfect for the big screen:Oh F4. Yeah, that one is going to hurt. Hope they nail the suits the first time around. I don't care to wait for the next iterations. I hope to have something close to the white and blue. I like it better than the blue and black. Add Doom to that list for an easy 5. I do like the Future Foundation white too. Very clean and techy. I just prefer the classic.
And I like the recent Alex Ross redesigns too:
I've already said that I find the Ultimate suits great as well:
Really, there's lots of good options. I just don't want the to look like janitors, you know? If they get to the Future Foundation, I'm buying those for sure. They've had white F4 uniforms as well, but I want the specific FF designs. It was peak FF and the book's not reached those heights since.
I was never much into Thor in general, so I was never tempted. I want a Loki, but that's it. I could go for an Angela, a Herc and an Ares down the line, but we're far away from these. Kang I love as a character, but I hate the MCU version. I've said it before, but I consider his ethnicity an important part of him. There are characters where you can swap them and nothing changes. Duncan as Kingpin for example worked, same for BD Wong as Hugo Strange. You can have a Korean Iceman and an Indian Wizard, but you need a Jewish girl for Kitty Pryde and a Japanese man for Sunfire. It depends on the character.I wasn't ready for Thor Ragnarok. Some very impressive visuals, but the goofball stuff was too much. When I seen Love and Thunder with Thor Jane, I knew I wanted nothing to do with it. Now if Kang looks awesome with a blue shield visor, I might be interested. If he acts like a clown show again, I might pass even if it looks cool. We'll see.
Me, I'd have cast a South European, Mediterranean, MENA, or British actor. That's the way I see him. He needs to embody the Alexander-esque image. So right out of the gate I'm disappointed. I'd have been fine if they went Asian and had him as a Ghenkis Khan type. Hell, he'd have grown on me if they'd gotten someone like Elba, Lance Reddick or Christpher Judge. Basically tall, well-built, hard-spoken guys with good features. Regardless of the raceswap, I'd have gotten past it. But they literally got a goofy looking dude who played the role of the wise Immortus as a clown. I look at him and I think Tariq Nasheed is going to start talking about bucks and bussies. I'm a swallow guy, but I want handsome, or at least "unique" people in my capes. I'm not dropping all that cash for the mug of some uggo or random nobody. I'll get the figure regardless, and if the mask is good, I'll keep it. If not, I'll swap with a Bale head.
Oh, I'm all over the place, that's a fact. I try to keep myself in line, but it's hard. Trek I'm not an uberfan of, and I've never ventured past TOS. I mostly want a Kirk & Spock for my mum, as she watched it when she was a kid. I like Kirk & Spock too, it's not like I'm indiffernet to them. It's just that I never really managed to get into the other shows, so I have a limited relationship with it. I like the idea of space exploration and the core concept of a space crew, but I don't care for its "message". I have a soft spot for the JJ flicks too, I guess because they're action flicks going with the space exploration theme and leaving behind the "point". And it's also because '09 Trek & Tron Legacy were basically the last big Sci-Fi IPs. After that CBMs completely took over. So I've got some nostalgia for them and I'd want that reflected on a shelf. Me, I break things down in sections, so all of them would go into a big Sci-Fi display cut down into "corners". Theoretically I should make room for my Mass Effect faves too, but I doubt we'll ever see figures, so... My BCS Doctors (Who) would go there too. I'm still hoping for a great 1/6th Samus, but I'm starting to ramble about my lists again.You have a wider taste than I do. Even with that, I have 31 figures now. TNG Trek I might or might not get. 5 TNG Riker, Worf, Picard, Data and Geordi. I could be interested in a First Contact Space suit, as Nanji teased. Will see what he has for the Trek con in April.
I never got a DS1 Strange because I was expecting for a comic accurate look. This new one is close enough. My idea was to pose one with my Sorcerers, and then have another with the Illuminati. But with all the Variants, I might end up with an extra to pose with my MS. From them, the only ones I'm in for sure are GR & MK. Everything else is in flux and depends. We're entering a new phase, with trilogies that will span around a decade. So it's not like I'll jump on the first Cyclops, when there'll be like 5 more. The important part is picking and choosing when to get one over the other, waiting for the perfect costume, and so on.For Midnight Sons, totally getting a Blade and Morbius. Not sure what will happen after that. BK will have to look cool and not sure who else will be added to the squad. Guess my DS1 Strange is part of them so that works. Definitely no Werewolf. None of the other characters were too appealing.
My problem with all of these things is that I'm a comic guy first, so I pick and choose what's closer to these. So for my MS, I would theoretically like Daimon and Satana too. I'd like to structure it around the idea of an RPG party. Assassin, Hunter, Berserker, Wizard, Cleric, etc. Whatever teams I want to build, I always go for 5, 7 or 9 members. In 1/6th it's hard dropping all that cash, so I try to keep them to that 5-7 area. So it comes down to choosing. I may drop a Punisher there too, as I need him. We'll see, it's too early. But something like this would be kick-ass:
When I first started, I said I'd stick to the Sith, but then expanded it to the Jedi too. Good thing is, there's a finite ammount of them across all eras. I'll not get any Inquisitors, apart from maybe the Grand Inquisitor as a one-off. I would like to do small Republic (Chancellor Palpatine, Generals Skywalker & Kenobi, Padme, Rex)/Empire (Thrawn, Emperor, Tarkin, etc) displays too, but that's secondary. I'll never buy a Han or Chewie is my point, I'm more likely to get a Kit Fisto or a Quinlan Vos to fill out my ranks. Han I wouldn't even have where to put him, as my displays are structured around the Sith/Jedi. I might end up with a small "random" display if I get a Mando or something, but that's ways off yet. I'm more concerned with getting Obi, Anakin, Mace, Palpatine and so on. I'd not say no to a grown up Ezra or Cal. I just like lightsabers and the concept of Wizard Knights...I think I'm out on SW. Got my 2 Luke's on PO and I don't see anything incoming. They might as well have Kang in it cause of how clown the universe is. I'm passing on Cad. Inquisitors could look cool with their red sabers and black armor, but too much damage is done to the heart.
Customs depend on the country. Here the official rate is about 24%, but I end up paying ~35%. That's why now I order from only one place that's got a base in my area. Taxes and shipping are included in the price of the figure, so I know exactly what I'm paying. That plus the Payment Plan helps me keep it all neat and tidy.Outside of the U.S., it seems like preordering is more of a problem. You can wait months for most figures after they are available at Sideshow. Some of those Euro custom practices are communist.
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