We won't be getting Dr. Doom till F4. Even then, they should be doing something where they are in another dimension fighting Mole Man (F4 issue #1). I'd keep the space shuttle in space but then transported to the negative zone or another dimension. They could also try the Journey to the Center of the Earth plot while riffing off the Lost In Space family adventure.
The current rumor is that Doom will be getting a cameo in BP2. No actor cast, but they're trying costumes for a small scene. There's a scientist working with RiRi (Ironheart) and she's actually a double agent for Doom. They'll reveal that Latino Namor was set up to attack Black Excellence Wakandans by the Wh*te "Man" (Devil). I suppose it makes sense, as Doom is a power-hungry despot, but we'll never see him actually level Wakanda and Mayan Atlantis because that'd be problematic, so what's the point?
Still, I like such little nods as in that MK trailer (if it is indeed a Doom/Latveria reference). They make the universe feel more alive. As for FF, I won't make any guesses as to the villains because we don't know what approach they'll take. Having the FF be newcomers doesn't sit right with me, so I prefer the "older heroes before the MCU's time who got lost travelling" approach. You don't have to make them from the 60s, just say that they were around before what we started seeing with 2008's Iron Man and got lost. Were they the FF before they got lost, they got lost while attempting the experiment that gave them their powers but they were celebrity scientists before, I don't know. But if it's random schmucks who become players well after everything has gone down, it lessens their impact as characters. They have to be retconned into already being part of the MCU in some capacity. So, with that mind, I'd probably go for a more "out there" antagonist, something space related to really show off their strange adventures. Something Earth based will be a let down, especially with that being the route the other ones went with.
Doom can just hang around. The problem is how do you explain him doing nothing all this time if he's already an established figure. I suppose after Reed got lost he was robbed of his object of rivalry so he stayed low, schemed and just managed Latveria. During all those alien attacks he... put a dome around Latveria and maybe some neighbourhing countries and called it a day while doing some more scheming. Dunno, we'll see. I just hope he's well-cast. I'd go for a theatre Brit myself, or someone like Cassell. Fan-favourites like Nikolaj, Mads, Cranston, even Gus Fring of all people, are all awful-to-bad. You need someone who can go from serious to hammy, chew the scenery and have gravitas. You need someone operatic; period.