Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Character List (16 of 24)
Written Tuesday, June 02, 2009 by Alan Pettit
Marvel have announced the first 16 of the total 24 playable characters on the roster for the upcoming sequel. The game will focus on the "Civil War" storyline that ran throughout Marvel comics back in the last half of 2006, pitting Marvel heroes against each other. Whose side are you on?
Captain America
Iron Man
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Mr. Fantastic
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
I bolded that last one for personal support. Loves me some Deadpool. Once the final 8 are announced, expect another news piece.
In addition, you can snag yourself one additional playable character if you pre-order the game through Gamestop. This is currently touted as being the ONLY way to get your hands on Juggernaut, though we've seen "exclusives" hit the marketplace later on before. To be safe, if you're a huge Juggy fan, get yourself to Gamestop and put your money down. Personally, I'll be pre-ordering so I can play with friends and continually quote this famous Juggernaut parody. (WARNING: Video is not safe for work or small children - lots of bad language!)