This game is highly addictive, very glad I got it
I got it & and haven't started playing yet
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This game is highly addictive, very glad I got it
So did anyone who ordered from the official Capcom store got their copies yet?
Seems like it's gonna take a week before we get it
I got the steelbook. It's pretty cool
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next time i get on im adding everyone i havent added yet
There's plenty of times to get your butt handed to you by me
yeah, when i got jiffy bag through door i thought they had sent me two copies
Yeah me too
I think they had to send both covers as the steelbook has no age rating on it
anyone wanna play though xbox live krec9 just send me a invite
I almost beat it
I got through galactus on very hard without dying!
I think the key is getting through the first match with as much health as possible
yeah definitely, galactus himself is a chump....spidey and wolverine were the worst on hardest
Wohooo! My TE stick shipped today!
I used cap, thor & iron man