KurJen - Kurgan Mod
24 more hours. 
Hmm..gotta admit, the online didn't look all interesting to me, but seeing more has me curious to try it. It looks to be a lot deeper than I originally thought.
As much as i hate it, Origin has been my friend after the GAME fiasco...
N7 Edition, get all the nice stuff i wanted except for the hard-copy...sadly...
The MP does look nice...I'll probably try it out after I finish campaign.
Supposedly the MP can help you with your endgame within the single player, I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's something like your "galactic readinesss"
Supposedly the MP can help you with your endgame within the single player, I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's something like your "galactic readinesss"
This is what I read about MP:
Playing cooperative multiplayer ties into the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system. Success in co-op missions earns players War Assets, such as allies, fleets, and radar stations which can be deployed in Galaxy at War to aid Commander Shepard's fight against the Reapers in single-player. Co-op and the Galaxy at War system are entirely optional, however, and are not necessary to achieve the optimal endings in single-player.