If you haven't tried the multiplayer then you really should, it's quite fun
Mass Effect 3: Leviathan is the first story-driven, single player DLC to be made available since Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut. Leviathan expands upon the events of Mass Effect 3 with gripping and emotional storytelling, compelling new characters, powerful weapons and unique upgrades. Players will be able to discover more about the origins of the reapers as they race across the galaxy to unravel the mystery that surrounds the fabled Leviathan.
Taking place during the events of Mass Effect 3, players will be thrust into the darkest corners of space where they will hunt a mysterious being rumored to be powerful enough to destroy a Reaper. As they race against time, they will begin to unravel the secret of the Leviathan. Explore uncharted systems and new areas on the Citadel, interact with brand new characters, unlock the AT-12 Raider shotgun and M-55 Argus Assault Rifle and discover more about the mysterious history of the Reapers. Available on PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Cost is $10 or 800 Microsoft points.
Luv your attitude on the ending and the journey Ex-Parrot, I could have completely hated ME3, which I did not, but that would not have diminished my appreciation of the prior games. If you and darthviper are playing ME3 multiplayer on the PS3 you should look me up and we can play some matches together. My screen-name on there is DiceIbegon just like the SW Cantina Lamproid character but all one word with a capital d and i.
I did much the same. I purchased the game day one, but never had the time to dedicate to it for a while...and I didnt just want to dip in and out on this game as time allowed. Then there was all the controversy about the ending, then an announcement about the extended endings, and so at that point I decided to wait once again until those came out. Then once they did, I was once again in a position where I had to wait a little bit until I'd have the time required to dedicate to the game. Well that time finally came, and I imported my ME1/ME2 Femshep and played through the game over the last week, and overall I loved the game.
I get the complaints about past decisions not having a great amount of impact overall, though my decisions still played into the plot and how certain things unfolded, so I didn't mind all that much, even if they didn't actually change things in the long run, as far as the overarching story goes. the extended cut Synthesis ending worked and made sense for my character arc through the games, and felt right. It wasn't perfect, but I was satisfied overall (not much of a fan of the cheesy after credits bit though). I definitely would have liked to see a little more of what happened to the other surviving main characters, but I also get why they didn't do too much of that, as they likely want to keep their options pretty open with the larger cast of characters 'just in case' they wish to revisit with those characters at a later date in some kind of a post ME3 setting.
And I've gotta say, even if people don't like the original, or extended, endings, I don't understand the cries of "five years wasted" and "wish I'd never bothered" that plastered the net for a while, and still does to some extent. I mean I get being disappointed with the end of the game, or even outright disliking it, especially when the ending isn't an overly happy one, but why anyone would regret the journey through these great games mystifies me. I mean that's like saying you wish you'd never watched Raiders of the Lost Ark because you didn't like Crystal Skull, or now suddenly hating the original Star Wars trilogy just because you hated the prequels. Makes no sense to me personally. Even if you didn't like the ultimate destination, the journey was so great that personally I could never regret the time spent on this franchise, a series that pulled me in, felt as 'alive' as any games I've ever played, and made me give a damn about the characters and their journeys. In fact I look forward to going back and spending more time in it down the line. But to each their own I guess.
Personally I look forward to playing through the games again, this time as more of a renegade heavy character, maybe as a male Shepard this time, see how different that journey feels. I also look forward to the upcoming dlc as well. Regardless of any bumps along the way, the Mass Effect series is my favourite gaming franchise and experience of this console generation, and that, more than anything else, is what I'll always remember it for.
They always said ME3 would be the last of Shepard, not of the universe itself.
I've NEVER in my life had a book or movie or game have such a WORTHLESS ending in my life. Which is insane because the story itself is so much worth telling. Why go this route when NO ONE likes it. Stuck up artsy writers. Doing something different doesn't mean it's GOOD.
Not interested then. Shepard to me at least IS Mass Effect.
The same reason I can't enjoy the Star Wars prequels, no Luke Skywalker and no Darth Vader. I don't see Bioware doing any good Mass Effect story anymore after the ME3 "ending". How the hell are they going to outdo the Reapers anyway? Every new thing will pale out in comparison.
I dunno, I would love a game where you can pick your own race.
I dunno, I would love a game where you can pick your own race.
I agree 100%. I don't need a story as big as the reapers, maybe something more exploratory, something where you choose your own race and career path (smuggler, soldier etc...) story wise you could do some kind of civil war or coup or something. Not every storyline needs to be bigger than the last so long as its well done, immersive and most of all fun and enjoyable.
Havent seen the adjusted ending yet. Can anyone tell me if it's any better? I feel like the new ending will insult my intellect. <_<
I dunno, I would love a game where you can pick your own race.