From RS:
As most of you know, Master Replicas has been working hard to try to get you the replicas you want before our Star Wars license expires at the end of the year. One of the replicas we have been trying to produce is the X-Wing Studio Scale. Unfortunately, due to our time limitations, we are not going to be able to complete this product by the end of the year therefore; we are not going to be able to release it.
We know a lot of you were really looking forward to owning this replica so to make it up to you, we are offering you a $500 off code for our last studio scale we have in stock, the Millennium Falcon. That’s right $500 off! This is the last Star Wars studio scale that Master Replicas will be offering so if you don’t own this awesome replica now is your chance.
Just enter discount code: XWFCN in the promotion code box when you place your order.
*Simply Enter XWFCN in the promotion code box at checkout. This offer is valid through September 7, 2007. Cannot be combined with any other offer. All prior purchases are ineligible for discount. While supplies last.