Thundercats would be a nice complimentary line to MOTUC... I was never a big fan but I can't deny the coolness factor. It's too bad Mattel couldn't pick up the license...
Looks like I finally picked up a Bronze King Grayskull today!!! Paid out my butt for it though... but not as much as some were asking, so I guess that's alright.
That makes every figure for me, except for the later SDCC He-Ro (the one with the SDCC logo under his armour - not sure I care about that one, but maybe) and translucent Orko (definitely need to pick this one up at some point).
I have at least one version of each character so far thats good enough for me.
and that should be good enough for Iron Man
That's how Ski did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far.
Did you get the green, red and purple gems?
Mattel took the money out for Roboto. I'm glad I don't have to visit the Matty site this month.
I will be displaying Panthor without the helm. it looks cool but I prefer it without.
Panthor looks great... not feeling the helmet. But still a cool addition to the figure.
But yeah, me too. I love the helm but I think I will want to maintain the classic look most of the time.