Forgive me if im off new on this thread...i usually am over in the hottoys/pf ones. I just got my octavia and she is just perfect! I cant wait till sdcc to see new ones. i usually only get the women (except bow and keldor) so im really..REALLY hopeing to see a mermista!

Not because shes one of my favorites but because id love to see how the tackle her mermaid tail....i think it would be so cool. ive been getting the girls ever since they came out and stupid me never noticed how hard to find shadow weaver and sorceress are. i get my ladies from a freind who has multiple subs. he only charged me like $30 for Sorceress and $40 for weaver...........(my Sorceress is actually getting ready to be put up for sale...just sayin) if anyone is interested in a me. I might get rid of the teela "original" and adora as well...but have not decided. im trying to only focus on pop figures...
OH and does anyone know if Icer is already out????? im too lazy to google him....
and my other question Netossa larger than the other girls??? all mine are NRFB and on display.......she looks larger when compareing her to octavia.....but idk if its just her head peice and brest...wing..thingys...or what??