One Battle Ram is worth six figures? Really? You could have kept Star Sisters and FFM ... I'd have rather had the Ram.
No more Weapons Paks? Guess we will have to get accessories cut by budget some other way ... this I will miss. They were neat sets, especially these last two.
If you're going to use the last few seconds to call out an early plea to make the 2014 Sub happen, don't precede it with a Spirit of Hordak slap in the face ... some people are still burned by that move. Not cool.
I love Rudy's art but something about the new box art, especially the eyes of the castle, just doesn't appear as menacing and scary as the vintage box. Characters much more a part of the action but the castle feels, reduced in stature ... No biggie though. I'm sure he was given notes on what Guru and team wanted in the art.
Speaking of celebrity MOTU figures, could we get HOFF-OR next year? David needs our love ....