Why put it on your list if you aren't going to tell us who it is? Fine, I didn't want to know anyway.![]()

The Un-named One...he created the Snakemen
he is quite the mystery
Why put it on your list if you aren't going to tell us who it is? Fine, I didn't want to know anyway.![]()
Understandable. Though with her you might want to consider the option to display her with two octopus minions.
Why put it on your list if you aren't going to tell us who it is? Fine, I didn't want to know anyway.![]()
That's his name. It's like Hastur, or Voldemort, Candlejack.
They don't call Voldemort, Voldemort, they call him "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "You Know who" becuase using their name is anathama.
So he is Called "The Un-Named one". He's the creator of the Snake-men.
in otherwords...another Satan (The Devil)
Hey teem, was this you at ComicCon?
in otherwords...another Satan (The Devil)
Holy crap thats a score, i saw a few bad *** deal bad had no more cash man ur luckyWoo-Ho I just made out like a BANDIT at Big Lots!
For $10 each I scored:
Mo-Lar (With Skeletor)
Orko (With Adam)
Count Marzo
The Faceless One!
if you're at all familior with Cthulu
Cthulhu is generaly mistaken for one of the Elder gods. He's not. he is in fact an alien, and the LOAN survivor of the Previous universe. He is A priest of Azathoth, and his faith in his god is the ONLY thing that keeps him alive. His skin is not green, it's necrolized. He's kinda sorta a undead thing.
Interesting. So what exactly is the "call" of Cthulhu? A warning that the universe is about to be destroyed again?
Sort of. You'd have to read it. It's not terribly long and is freely available since it's out of copyright.
You could also watch the cool silent film which is on Netflix streaming last time I checked.
Holy crap thats a score, i saw a few bad *** deal bad had no more cash man ur lucky
You know.. it's a REAL shame that Guillermo del Toro's At the Mountains of Madness project got scrapped. a full on R-rated Horror film set in the mythos? OMG.