He looks amazing!!!
He looks amazing!!!

I'm not sure how much is chu, and how much was the studio.
Appearently, the original cut was better, but tested poorly with non-fans.
Not sure how true that was.... Some questionable casting too.
Two-Bad is Day of only... willing to bet Modulok will be as well...
Bought a second sub to resell to cherry pickers.
HOPE that The unnamed one is not "Snake Mountian man"
It's kinda a dumb idea. Though, I wouldn't object to his face being the face that is ON snake moutnian
Unnamed one is NOT Snake Mountain Man...
resembles a 200x character you say?
and snake-man related?
Just Sayian.
Based on the info we have, it cannot be Snake Mountain man, because Scott said they had the idea of including the Unnamed One since the beginning of MOTUC. So, since SMM was designed after CGM, there is NO WAY it will be him.
Also, King Hsss isn't it either....
where is the minicomic that makes him look like skeletor... i'd like to see this image.
But its a concept character which was confirmed...which means it could very well be based off Snake mountain's Face, not to mention that the character is likely going to ressemble Skeletor, considering the mini comic that shows him looking like skeletor
plus,Including the figure since day one does not mean the design of the un-named one was already there in place,but that they had him planned in the Roadmap.
Regardless... I doubt Mattel would go for a Fan Art character, specially since it's not solicited. There are legal implications that they would most likely want to avoid.
Somebody pointed out the Monster Walker from the Power and Honor book, maybe it's something along those lines instead?
Dude, that's NOT The Unnamed One... Hsss clearly is saying he things Skeletor might be an emissary of the Unnamed One...