Super Freak
Agreed, those guys look great together.
I love the NA stuff. Think they are as funky as hell.![]()
The 4H made these guys amazing! Very pulp-retro looking bunch!
Except for Karatti, they are some of my favorite MOTUC!![]()
Oh cool, you got Mat's one. It looks great and I am tempted myself.
Thing is, while it's a great head, now that I have the figure, I personally don't think he looks any more menacing than he was due to his size. I am not overly fond of the bio and worry how the character will be executed in a story but if you are going for the whole 'size matters not' angle then I actually think the original head works better...mostly due to the eyes I think.
But tis still a cool a fudge head sculpt!![]()
Forgot that EA for Goatman was at 8 and logged in at 9 and he's gone!
Anybody score one?
Perhaps you should see how cherry picking Blade will go who is not on early access.
carp. completely forgot about goatman and the chase today.
carp. completely forgot about goatman and the chase today.