I will be moving a 200x Hiss/He-man 2 pack for $50 shipped in the USA for anybody looking to get this set way cheaper than matty
MYTHIC LEGIONS SCALE ANNOUNCEMENT!It’s been almost a year to the date since we first debuted our Mythic Legions line at our 2014 Toypocalypse show, and a lot has changed in that year. The characters have changed, the number of characters sculpted has almost doubled, and after a year of debate amongst fans (and amongst us here at the studio too!) so has the line’s scale. After a lot of thought, analysis, and consideration we are proud to officially announce that Mythic Legions is officially a 6” scaled line!
We know that there are going to be a lot of questions about the decision, so we wanted to touch on some of the reasons that we ultimately went in this direction:
The success of our Raven figures. The overwhelming response to the Raven pre-order this year only confirmed further the appetite for highly detailed 6” figures that our fanbase has. The Raven figures are far and above our highest selling figures to date, and that is a statistic that we simply could not ignore.
-Our past releases: Over the years all of our fantasy themed figures have been done in a 6” scale. We’ve invested so much time, energy, and money creating a solid collection of figures at that scale, that it would be tough to lose compatibility and access to those resources. This really became apparent to us when we first received our 6” scaled display bases from the factory. We’ve talked about doing a high quality display base for years, and now we will have one ready to go for Mythic Legions!
-Price/Value: This is absolute biggest part of the equation. When we got into pricing these figures out the numbers were not working out when it came to doing these at 4”. These are complex figures with a lot of parts and accessories, and the paint is very elaborate. With all of that factored in, the prices for 6” figures and the prices for 4” figures were very similar. What that means for customers is that you’d be paying basically the same price (give or take a dollar or two) for either scale. In the end we just didn’t feel like it was the right thing to do to overcharge for a 4” figure when we could give a fair price for a 6” figure.
So there you have it! We’ve been working on this line for almost two years now, and it’s transformed and grown almost the entire time. This decision wasn’t an easy one, and it was certainly not made without careful consideration. One of the primary reasons that we were excited about 4” was that we wanted to do large scale figures and mounts, and just because the line is moving to 6” that is not going to change. It will be more of a challenge, but we are more committed than ever to building an entire world with Mythic Legions full of figures and beasts with wide-ranging sizes and shapes. We already have some BIG things in the works!
The Mythic Legions Kickstarter is still on track for the second week of February, so please keep your eyes peeled for more exciting announcements, and remember to check us out athttps://www.SourceHorsemen.com, on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/FourHorsemenToyDesign, and on Instagram - @Four_Horsmen_Studios
That Sorceress looks like Dude in Drag!
Ok. So your point is what? Just showing me another photo does nothing. If there's an actual bit of constructive criticism you have if love to hear it. It's why I posted the photo. As I stated I'm just getting started with the final paint stages. Probably another 1-2 hours of paint to go. But your first comment was not helpful. And your second comment was essentially the same with a pretty photo. I have that figure, the 200x staction, the 80s figure, and two print outs of the 80s filmation sitting right here next to me. But just saying look at the photo with out pointing out any specific area is not helpful. I can make pithy one liners all night if you want. But it doesn't amount to squat. If you have a specific point, or advice please feel free. If all your looking for is a pat on the back for best joke of the day, stick to Twitter.
No pat on my shoulder,that is what stands out right away!
Her face Needs to look more Feminine/Womanly....Make the eyebrows thinner in shape,and a lesser hard face...maybe less pouty lips
from neck down she looks great....sorry if the criticism was harsh
See that's helpful. Direct and specific criticism is welcome. But a silly joke isn't helpful.
It wasn't about being harsh. Had you made the joke bad then those statements Thats fine. But the one liner is pointless. Every swinging Richard on the Internet thinks he is the funniest guy on the net.
I have both painted and sculpted. And it, as stated was/is not done. Just the base coat. It takes many layers to get that defined clean look.
As for no one insulting...and this not being the org...you can say that. But I asked for tips on how to improve and I got a one liner joke. If it was intended to be an insult or not is beside the point. It was pointless. To make that point I replied with another joke and somehow that's out of line. I asked for advice and I got a joke about a woman looking like a man. Explain to me how in here, the org, or the moon that that is actually helpful in anyway? I don't care if it's insulting or funny. If I wanted to hear a bunch of jokes if go to a comedy site. I was looking for advice on painting. As, surprisingly enough, I don't wear a lot of makeup myself. And, again, this is a wip pic. I got no problem with constructive criticism. I'm used to it. It actually helps. But when I ask for help and I get a transformer one line joke, yea that's a bit much. Did the joke convey a vague point, maybe. Was it in anyway helpful, no.
Edit-another wip. Still a ways to go. Gotta build it up to look realistic. Doing a female sculpt and paint is much harder, at least for me. But it's still fun. Lol anyway, if you have any advice it's welcome.
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