I'm sure the sub will go through, it always does. That 50% with 10 more days to go mumbo jumbo is just to get folks to buy extras, or those who are on the fence to finally take the plunge. Same old routine.Way too much new sculpting went into this sub to just cancel it. Besides, if they can release play sets and vehicles without a pre-order, then they sure as hell can take the same risk with 6 figures.
Just like the MOTU Minis, right?
How exactly his that comparing apples and oranges? Along with DCU & Ghostbusters (don't forget the Young Justice figures as well!) the Mini's were pretty cool products that everyone just assumed would happen regardless of the subscription number and all 3 were short and didn't happen. Its amazing people still believe the whole "mattel need X amount of subs to bother producing these figures" is some weird conspiracy to screw fans into buying extras or whatever. After already loosing out on several pretty rad subs how many more is it going to take for you guys to believe Matty is serious about those sub percentages?