Masters of the Universe Classics

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MOTU Classics HUK arrived (Zombihamma) Buck detail painted by me

Don't know if it's been posted yet but apparently mondo is making Masters of the Universe 12 in figures. The figures are going to be based on artwork by Dave Rapoza.View attachment 195101

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The style of these images doesn't quite look like the grittier stuff on his DA page. If these are more traditional designs, I'm very much interested.
Thundercats, HOOOOOOOO! It's about time. Bandai screwed the pooch with their Classic line and I'm glad to see the Four Horsemen getting their hands on this property.
I love the idea of the Four Horsemen getting a crack at a Thundercats Classic line as well. Bit suprised at Mattel though, since Thundercats doesn't lend itself to parts reuse in the same way as a lot of their other collector lines. Would definitely be interested in these if they look good enough, and blending in with MOTUC is the icing on the cake.
Dragstor,Perfuma,Saurod and yes DARE is there! Lazer light skeletor/he-man

Not really feeling the glass on the Talon Fighter, I hope it's removable. No sunroof either. :( I was kinda hoping this would look a little more refined.

The rest of the 2015 line up doesn't impress me either. Flying Fists He-Man, Terror Claws Skeletor, and Laser Light Skeletor are the three figures that could have benefited from some creative interpretation. Sometimes it's better to deviate from the vintage look. LL Skeletor's head looks pretty lame, I was hoping they would reuse the NA Skeletor skull which was incredible.

Laser Power He-Man looks pretty good.

Perfuma may as well be Rainbow Brite, but I like her.

Saurad looks pretty cool!

That Hordak is NOT Buzz Saw Hordak. It's just another repainted (regular) Hordak. BSH is supposed to have a different loin piece. More evidence of blatant laziness and cost cutting.

Dragstor, More cost cutting and laziness. His torso is black when it should be blue like the rest of his body.

Dare is a complete waste of a slot, but we all knew he was coming.
I think it's all amazing looking. Maybe I'm easy to please. The only things I don't love are FF He-man (lack of vac kind of makes him a bit boring), TC Skeletor (his claws seem a bit big) and Buzzsaw Hordak because he looks so similar. Maybe there are some surprises to be revealed with him. But everything else makes me very happy. Saurod, in particular, looks amazing.
I was really excited to see Laser Light Skeletor and Laser Power He-Man in Classics. Now? Not so much.
I know I am in the minority but was happy to see Dare yesterday. I missed whatever ThunderCats preview they had sadly.

of course he lied...he's been doing that since the beginning

The scary thing is, most people either knew or guessed that DARE would be the December figure. After 8 years worth of deception, I guess he became very predictable.
Don't know if it's been posted yet but apparently mondo is making Masters of the Universe 12 in figures. The figures are going to be based on artwork by Dave Rapoza.View attachment 195101

Well if this is Dave Rapoza, then we are in very good hands. He's another one of the few artists that gets MOTU. I am very excited to see what Mondo do.

All the Matty reveals so far are great aside, I knew we getting Talon fighter but it's even better than I thought. Saurod rocks and I do like the Laser Powers. Dare looks as interesting as a bag of nails and I just do care. This rymeing was purely coincidence.

Definitely looking forward to Thundercats. I had a couple thundercats figures when I was a kid but overall the vintage line didn't do it for me in the way motu did.

On that note, I don't really feel either series in their rebooted early 2000s forms really captured the essence of the originals. Everybody tried to make everything fantasy into lotr for a while there...