Hello everybody,
Emiliano here

I wanted to chime in just to address the Hasbro thing

Kuzeh, yours are legitimate concerns. From the outside, coming to the show now, with an uninformed eye, it may surely look like I'm on Hasbro payroll to defame Mattel.
Still, anybody familiar with my story, probably knows better

I was always critical to Mattel and Scott Neitlich, way before I started my freelance collaboration with Hasbro.
Bust most of all, who knows me also know that my passion and dedication to Masters of the Universe and Princess of Power has not match in any other brand.
I like Transformers a lot, but on a scale from 0 to 10, TF is 6, MOTU is 15 for me. I just live and breath MOTU. My commitment to The Power and The Honor Foundation is the better proof I have.
I'd be very stupid if I'd voluntary try to damage MOTU by defending Hasbro. Hasbro doesn't give a crap about any of that. They only care about the quality of my work.
We can surely call it bias, but the simple facts are that I'm not that personally invested in Transformers and most importantly Hasbro, as a company, has been treating me better. They value my work and my skills. That to me is very important, and comes before the money.
Do you know how I got the job with Hasbro? I showed them my portfolio of MOTU designs, some done for fun, some done for the Four Horsemen
I think one could still say that I'm trying to make Hasbro look better then Mattel in spite of them. Well, the thing is, they have been better.
All I can say is, when I have free time, I don't draw Transformers for myself, I draw MOTU characters