Matrix Studio 1/4 Alien Queen

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You can say you don't like the paint job but expecting it to be painted like the studio model is ridiculous since it was painted to match the lighting. It was meant (and achieved) to look completely different on screen.

have you seen the SS Queen bust? Paint is perfect on that and looks better than this imo

The Matrix Studios Alien Queen is from Aliens vs Predator, NOT from Aliens.The Queen in Aliens is black in colour, where as the Queen from AVP is grey, and it's head is MUCH longer than the Queen's in Aliens.[Someone should post pics to compare the 2, i'd do it myself but don't know how].

Defn not the AVP Queen.
Perhaps it's purple because this thing count itself as one of those unlicensed "Heavey Armoured Special Cop" (Dredd), "Wasteland Ranger" (Max), "Triangle Blame" (Red Pyramid Thing) figures out there? Otherwise, it might be the light that make color and shading looks off like SS Alien King?
James Cameron's Queen Puppet has different shades of grey and has purple tints with a little blue.
That's not Cameron's, that's the AvP queen. :wink1:

Anyway, I don't think the colour really matters, no company doing anything to do with aliens (bar a select couple of examples), seems to ever give a damn about doing them in accurate colours.

Oh damn, thanks for the correction. I always thought the puppet and the huge animatronic was used by him. Gets confusing haha.
Oh damn, thanks for the correction. I always thought the puppet and the huge animatronic was used by him. Gets confusing haha.

Ordered it, miss my old full size Queen so had to get this. I thought it looked fine and not that purple in the video of it being unboxed.
Ordered it, miss my old full size Queen so had to get this. I thought it looked fine and not that purple in the video of it being unboxed.

Nice Gruson! Did you order from Secret Compass? I rolled the dice and ordered from China. Didn't want to risk if secret Compass was or wasn't going to sell it. I think I'll have to pay a lot more for shipping now because of my irrational thinking of selling out fast. Fail on my part lol. I also don't think it's purple but more grey/blue. Lighting always makes a piece look one way or the other imo. I think a Queen at this size and price is a steal, even if it's not perfect. My god, full size queen!? Wow. That must have been magnificent to have and sad to see it go..
Nice Gruson! Did you order from Secret Compass? I rolled the dice and ordered from China. Didn't want to risk if secret Compass was or wasn't going to sell it. I think I'll have to pay a lot more for shipping now because of my irrational thinking of selling out fast. Fail on my part lol. I also don't think it's purple but more grey/blue. Lighting always makes a piece look one way or the other imo. I think a Queen at this size and price is a steal, even if it's not perfect. My god, full size queen!? Wow. That must have been magnificent to have and sad to see it go..

But Secret Compass is already selling it :eek: Shipping will still be from overseas though.
But Secret Compass is already selling it :eek: Shipping will still be from overseas though.

Hi dao2. I ordered as soon as the pre order went up. I thought it may have been an instant sell out, so I did the irrational instant buy(fail, as I was totally wrong lol). If I knew SC were to sell it then, would have gone through them. That is true! Hopefully shipping will be the same...
Hi dao2. I ordered as soon as the pre order went up. I thought it may have been an instant sell out, so I did the irrational instant buy(fail, as I was totally wrong lol). If I knew SC were to sell it then, would have gone through them. That is true! Hopefully shipping will be the same...

I ordered it from Secret Compass although almost ordered it from overseas. I don't think it really matters since I think Secret Compass is having them shipped direct to customers.
Gruson and dao2, good to know:)Thanks guys! Super pumped about this one and love not waiting a year for it :yess:
I had to pull the trigger on this one. I have no idea where the hell I'm going to put it but it must be mine. :)

Right on garyberg! Her tail alone is close to 50 inches lol. It's going to be difficult to display her properly.

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