Mattel: DC Universe Classics

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Thanks to Enchamted Toy Chest my set of wave 13 should be on its way.

Side note: anyone else done ordering DCUC from BBTS? It seems like they consistently get their orders filled after LCS, Corner Store Comics, Enchanted Toy Chest and now Amazon have theirs. It's a shame, too, as I've never had a bad experience with them...

Definitely been thinking of giving ETC a try. Since these are FOB anyway, he seems to order his stuff direct and is like a month or more early than all the other retailers. Do you know the cancellation policy there? Now that is probably going to stop the cases, ETC looks better and better. I dont mind the wait most of the time, but 4-5weeks is a bit much especially considering all the stuff BBTS sells. DCUC is just not a high priority for them.

I was done with BBTS after the wave 9 fiasco. Not their fault but I found CSC afterwards and they are only 5 miles from me, so I save on shipping. I keep comparing prices but CSC always beats them.

I was doing the same at one time, but the credit card fiasco just soured me from those guys. I'm sure in time they'll rebuild thier clientel, but I just couldnt keep risking it. Very solid company especially if you just go by, pick up, and pay cash.
And yes, I did that for a while after the CC incident, but considering I was paying cash and picking up, they insisted on making the pick-up folks last on the contact list. I figure my money was worth better service than that. So it was really just a myriad of things that lead me away from them.
my 2cents
BM, I see where you're coming from saying that this is a lackuster wave, but I think we are definitely going to start seeing the series pick up with 14 and 15, and if Matty holds to their word (who knows?) we could start seeing Blackest Night characters early next year, and I highly doubt they're done with the Fourth World, either.
But for me, I can't seem to cherry pick waves anymore-- every time I try to I find that even the lesser-known and obscure characters usually have a lot of personality and fun (see Killer Moth, Shark, and Copperhead) compared to some of the tried-and-trues.
Diff'rent strokes, I suppose.

And Fett, I have no clue what their cancellation policy is. I saw Scott from ETC posted that they had some stock left over on the Fwoosh and left an e-mail for me to contact. Even their site is very minimal, so you may want to just shoot them and e-mail.
I actually had a pre-order Donna Troy from BBTS come in-stock a few days ago. Canceled because I think I'm through with this line, but they got some stock in. You just have to pre-order quickly.
DCFett - I agree that CSC does seem like they do the pickups as last contact. I usually have to call them up and ask if they are ready yet while others seem to have them already. I figured that they haven't done wrong by me yet so I'll just let them do it in their own time as long as I get my sets in the end. Plus, does'nt CSC have a cancellation fee? BBTS didn't have any, that was cool of them.

BMunch - I hear ya. For some reason, I'm getting less excited. It is still a great line and I love they do the obscure characters because then I know that I'll have a complete dc world in toy form but I am getting tired of building bigger and bigger shelves. I am actually glad they slowed down a little in the production gives me a chance to hold on my paycheck a little longer.

I wonder if they will use the new costume for martian manhunter? Also, are they doing the blackest night figures?
I haven't heard anything on Blackest Night figures, but I wouldn't be surprised to see more Lantern figures because of the new movie next year. Hasbro's got a bunch of comic Iron man figures with the new movie figures, so its an idea that is already being done with success. My guess is we will get some more GLs and Sinestros and probably the various leaders of the other Corps before any Black Lanterns. They could have a solid line of just Black Lanterns. DCD has had at least 1 per wave with many waves including 2,3, or even 4 (the entire wave) and they still have only scratched the surface on them at 8 waves!
I found classic Cheetah and Donna Troy last night on a mid-nite toy run.

I still need both Mary Batsons, Modern Cheetah and Green Arrow.

I can find you Mary easily if you can find me a classic Cheetah ;)

I found cheetah at Wal Mart 13 South. There was just one. I hit all the Wal-Marts south of that one and there was nothing.

I'll look out for it for you.

Hmmm. Mary must be at TRU, huh? I went to Sugar House the other day. I'll check the others today. LOL

Man I keep forgetting you are a local guy. Its that darn Amity Island location of yours :lol

But actually the Wal-mart in Fort Union has Mary and all the others in that case assortment. They had both red and white before, but I didn't dig through them yesterday. They had red yesterday for sure though.

Also, in addition to Cheetah, if you see any of the new Movie Masters at TRU or the 6" Iron Man 2 figures at wal-mart, let me know!
DCFett - I agree that CSC does seem like they do the pickups as last contact. I usually have to call them up and ask if they are ready yet while others seem to have them already. I figured that they haven't done wrong by me yet so I'll just let them do it in their own time as long as I get my sets in the end. Plus, does'nt CSC have a cancellation fee? BBTS didn't have any, that was cool of them.

BMunch - I hear ya. For some reason, I'm getting less excited. It is still a great line and I love they do the obscure characters because then I know that I'll have a complete dc world in toy form but I am getting tired of building bigger and bigger shelves. I am actually glad they slowed down a little in the production gives me a chance to hold on my paycheck a little longer.

I wonder if they will use the new costume for martian manhunter? Also, are they doing the blackest night figures?

So, on Friday I got an email from Richard over at CSC and BAM!, they had my Series 13 set along with the variant NM I didnt even order! Picked them up on Sat. I think there my be life in the old gurl yet! Gotta give a shout out to CSC for the quick alley-oop on Ser 13! Credit when it's due!

BM, this line is more fun than it looks for sure. It's like looking at one of those posters that has the "whole" DC universe in it. Sure, the Trinity is right up front, then the rest of the "Big Seven", then the supporting Leaguers. But I'm always trying to see all those guys I dont know in the back ground. I think this wave will round out the entire series nicely. To me, they are worth it. I'm a biased completist who hates holes in my collections, but these really did turn out nice.

Again, way to go CSC! Please keep it up. Would love to come back as a regular customer!
Yerp! CSC charged my card Friday. Haven't gotten the call yet but I'll give them a call today for pick-up.
Picked up my wave 13 at CSC today, opening it up right now. DcFett - you got lucky to get the variant NM without the extra charge, so you got 9 figures instead of eight?

here's an update for my wave 13.

Of the group these figures are my favorites, which was a surprise for me.
Cyclotron - Wasn't too familiar with this character and I thought the removable chest and face was just a fancy gimmick. The removable parts actually doesn't damage the quality of the sculpt.
Modern Cheetah - I thought I would like the original better but the face on this one is just great. It has its own separate face sculpt from the original and I love the hair on this figure. I just wish they retained the original paint job. Ah well, I guess we can't have a naked female toy yet.
Superboy - This wasn't really a surprise. This figure just captured the character well. The buckles on the leg aren't just painted on but sculpted. I like that they glued on the specs on the face, since i long ago lost the one on the dc direct one. BUT If you want to, you can pry off the glasses because they actually painted the eyes behind it.

This second group is easily a toss-up in terms of favoritism and i think some will actually like these better than the first group.
Blue Beetle - This is a departure from the line. As you can see from the articulation at the knees and elbow, they are double jointed. Weird huh? The whole body sculpt is completely different from any DCUC figures. It kinda throws me off.
Original Cheetah - This figure, I think, is sexier than the modern version. The paint job on the face is well done. Maybe she's my favorite version now. :D
Blue Devil - Great looking figure, but he is a "C" character maybe "D" but they still did a good job by it.

The Last group - I wasn't too happy with Negative Man. I don't know why they had to make a variant of him when they could have easily made a pop-off face like Cyclotron. I actually thought that was the original design. Wondergirl - This figure isn't all too bad. Good face sculpt, great work on the hair. BUT why did they cast the rope? It just looks lame to me.

Finally the CNC figure- Trigon. I am actually surprised by this figure. One may think that they re-used Atom Smasher's buck but they re-sculpted the body and did a great job on it. The face is cast in a softer rubber and I just love that Ugly face. The cloth cape threw me off; didn't know about that but it is a cool surprise. Also, as you can see it is a poseable cape.

Hope you guys get yours soon, it is a great addition to what is turning out to be the ultimate Dc toy line.
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great review!! I can't wait to get this wave in my hands. I thought I would dislike the cloth cape on Trigon, but you may have swayed me here!! Thanks for the detailed review, amusedjester!!
Well gang I hate to be the kill joy here but am I the only one who has noticed that Mattel has listed all of Mays sales on their pre-sale page.........except the much antisapated coveted WAVE 5?

Now I don't know how many of you guys were banking on Mattel pulling thru for you but the way things are shaping up.......something is rotten in the town of Denmark, or should I say Mattel-mark. If I were a gambling man I'd lay odds that Mattel is about to jerk the hell out of a lot of fans..........AGAIN!
That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Or maybe they got bumped back. Or maybe they thought making it a SDCC set would be better. With Mattel, who knows.
Picked up my wave 13 at CSC today, opening it up right now. DcFett - you got lucky to get the variant NM without the extra charge, so you got 9 figures instead of eight?

Dont get my wrong, I paid the $20 smacks for it for sure! But I got an extra they had. Actually, I swapped with the one they had on display.

Well gang I hate to be the kill joy here but am I the only one who has noticed that Mattel has listed all of Mays sales on their pre-sale page.........except the much antisapated coveted WAVE 5?

Now I don't know how many of you guys were banking on Mattel pulling thru for you but the way things are shaping up.......something is rotten in the town of Denmark, or should I say Mattel-mark. If I were a gambling man I'd lay odds that Mattel is about to jerk the hell out of a lot of fans..........AGAIN!

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I believe in the 4/15 Q&A, they said that the Wave 15 box sets will determine the fate of the continued box sets, so I assumed that meant W5 too. Perhaps not, but I'd venture to think that Matty not carrying the box sets has more to do with retailer backlash than fan support. OR, this is another blundering, half-thought out idea that Matty can't sustain. Either way, they are blaming us for...AGAIN!
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Dont get my wrong, I paid the $20 smacks for it for sure! But I got an extra they had. Actually, I swapped with the one they had on display.

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I believe in the 4/15 Q&A, they said that the Wave 14 box sets will determine the fate of the continued box sets, so I assumed that meant W5 too. Perhaps not, but I'd venture to think that Matty not carrying the box sets has more to do with retailer backlash than fan support. OR, this is another blundering, half-thought out idea that Matty can't sustain. Either way, they are blaming us for...AGAIN!

Don't you mean wave 15, 14 is WM & will not be offered on matty.
Damn you beat me to it. Here's the lame excuse they dished out
DCUC Fans, wanted to let you know that due to a logistics issue, the sale of Wave 5 is moving to our June 15th sale

oh yeah, forgive me for this but I just can't resist. But......I TOLD YOU SO!!