Mattel: DC Universe Classics

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The whole Lantern this/Lantern that thing boggles the mind. DC Direct went apes**t over the whole Lantern thing too. My God...enough of the Green Lantern stuff. ToysRUs is overflowing with Lantern crap nobody wants. In brightest day in darkest night my ass!


There was no need for all the Blackest Night figures but to say The Superfriends figures were not needed is not correct. There a many of people who got into DC Comics in the first place because of The Superfriends and have wanted these figures for over 30 years. The figures are flying off the shelves at Walmart from what I keep hearing so Yes they were needed and much welcomed.

Blackest Night did big numbers for DC and DCD it made perfect sense for Mattel to jump on board but by the time they can get around to it no one really cares anymore. This is a case of DC should be working closer with their retail partners so they can get these things out in a timely fashion.

However where Mattel did screw up on the BN wave, they did the deputy lanterns, they should have done Saint Walker, Indigo 1, Larafleeze, Atrocious, and a couple of re-paints slight re-tools. Having 2 Hal Jordon figures just ruined the wave.

I think the obscure characters are great, and I think it's cool that they exist. But they really have no place being sold in mass market stores like Wal-Mart. That Superfriends type stuff belongs in comic shops and online IMO. I think someone else noted here that DC Direct seems to cater to more general audiences with their over-abundance of Batman and Superman figures while DCUC was pretty frequently filled with obscure (except to the reasonably hardcore comic collector) characters. Crime Syndicate as a Wal-Mart exclusives? WTF?

The Green Lantern movie fiasco just hurts DC across the board, unfortunately, as those figures seem to be clogging pegs everywhere I go.

As much as the podcast likes to say mattel learn from their mistakes and yadda yadda this is a case where I say I don't know what Mattel was thinking. Were the obscure characters fun and made the line what it was? Yes Does a wave that features all obscure characters have any place at retail? No, Mattel kept sending the wrong messages about this line, It's a collectors line designed for collectors, the availability of DCUC at retail depends on the parents buying these toys for their kids.

So what was it Mattel? If it was all about collectors then what the hell is it doing at retail? This should have been sub based all along. If it was for the mass market for the collectors and kids alike then why the bizarre choices in later waves.

The Superpowers figures and the Superfriends figures seemed to vary from location to location some areas reported they flew off the shelves others they were peg warmers. Either way Mattel certainly loved these figures.

I can agree that's it worth listening to...for the entertainment of it.

But I just can't get onboard with blaming the fans. If you sell a product, in this case the sub, and people don't buy it, is it the customers fault? Or did you just fail to offer them a worthwhile product? Did you market it right? Did you launch it at the right time? What are you offering that fans don't already get? Is there any increased value added...particularly considering the price per fig is going up! $15 bucks, pressumably, with no CnC + shipping is higher per fig even though most fans probably buy online anyway.

That's like a store owner opening up a store and goes belly up. Then says, "I failed cause no one supported me...". But his/her customer service sucked. They barely kept product in stock. Tons of defective product with no real way to exchange it. Offering product that makes no sense like pots with no tops (in Mattel's case, Lantern characters with no lantern).

That's not the customers fault! IT'S MATTEL'S!!!

I say that while still hoping it works out. But at this point, it looks like it's a lost cause.

There a lot of things they neglect to mention in that Podcast while I agree with some of what they said. The line at Retail was all on Mattel, the fact was since day 1 distribution for this thing has been horrible, finding it was a nightmare and what happened was most people started going to online stores like BBTS but Mattel didn't really give two craps about them they were busy kissing up to Wal Mart with exclusive waves same for Target with the public enemies line. Instead of working with online retailers fully knowing they were where most people got their figures from they choose to continue with the poor distribution at brick and mortar stores.

Now as far as this sub goes, oh boy it's a mess. Let's look at what Mattel did wrong.

-Announced it at SDCC a formal announcement should have been made earlier giving more people time to ask questions and get an idea of exactly what Mattel's plans were considering DCU 6 inch figures

-Announced 3 figures at SDCC and then 1 more a week later, you're asking people to commit to 300 dollars worth of figures without knowing what's in the pipeline. It's just stupid.

-Gave people 1 week (changed to 2 weeks) to sign up. I understand how this works for normal Subs, however since there is a magic number of subs needed to go forward with this line we should have had more time.

-Gave really poor info on what this meant as far as 6 inch figures are concerned. Does this mean that the 2012 retail line will be like DC Superheores? Or is this going to be DCUC without a BAF and based more on the new designs and only with popular characters. This confused people so they assumed they could just continue buying the line at retail and moved on.

What did the fans do wrong?

-To many people based on the initial offerings decided they would not go all in and just cherry pick what they wanted and ignore the rest. The problem with this way of thinking is that the line only goes forward if there are enough Subs.

But then Mattel should have given two thresholds for the sub they should have made say the 80 percent mark the number they need to go through and just do subs no extra figures on sale. And state that if it got to 80 anyone who ordered a sub would get the figures but no more would be offered for sale. And if they got 100 percent commitment then and only then would extra's be made for sale after Subs went out.

-To much complaining and not enough buying. Does committing to 300 dollars worth of figures that you may or may not like suck? Yes it does, but does never getting these figures suck even worse? Yes it does. I didn't want the sub its 11 dollars to ship each figure here and it takes nearly a month for them to arrive then I'll have to pay the tax and duty on it. It brings my total to nearly 30 dollars each. But I bought one anyway because if I didn't then I won't have these figures.

So in the end it's on Mattel that this line has come to a sub based system and they handled the flow of information about it very poorly, and confused way to many people. So while it's on the fans who don't buy subs that the line won't continue its because of Mattel that they are not jumping on board.

I hope that a miracle happens and that by Sunday were at the magic number but at this point I think its a lost cause. Mattel was a poor choice on DC's part for mass market partner.
His name is Atrocitus.
Also Walmart basically had Mattel by the balls. They've been known to bully anyone who wants to sell anything in their stores, and who wouldn't want their product sold by the largest retailer in the world?
Also Walmart basically had Mattel by the balls. They've been known to bully anyone who wants to sell anything in their stores, and who wouldn't want their product sold by the largest retailer in the world?

True enough, but their core audience was not scouring the Wally aisles, they were pre-ordering online. They should have been managing that relationship better. I can remember Thomas (CSC), and Scott (ETC), and BBTS cursing Mattel for basically giving them the finger on wave 9 after they had got TRU and Target to buy out the lot. It was basically tuff ***** to the online retailers, who again, like their customers, are part of the core engine of the line. At least Mattel went back and redid wave 5. That's one feather in their cap.
I've actually heard of Walmart telling companies not to sell other retailers a certain amount of product (if any at all) so that they could have it (and then distribute it poorly)...if they wanted to continue selling there, and I have no doubt that happened with DCUC once they began carrying it.
I'd also like to add that Mattel has done VERY little to garner fan trust for this line. I mean it's crystal clear that Scott loves MOTU and you'd be hard pressed to argue that he is not a HUGE JLU fan too, but it's pretty easy to tell that DCUC was not one of his real passions, and that has set a tone for fan interaction and trust when it comes to this line. Like Lee intimated, a retailer cant blame the customer...EVER. So to try to change the format of this line smack in the middle of it to a subscription with a customer in which you've garnered very little trust from, is a losing proposition. I mean really, every fan has a reason to not trust this situation if you want the sub or not. Will my figures arrive broken? Will Mattel offer me a reasonable avenue to replace my item? Will they make decisions that increase or decrease my affinity for the product? Meaning, will I get a figure and have buyers remorse because they didnt or did do this or that? (Kara-sil constructs, why no karate chop hands, why only two fist or two open hands, why no lanterns, etc., etc.)
My point is that to make the subscription line a viable and successful venture for any company and especially Mattel/DCUC, the customer has to trust that the manufacturer will offer a good product at a reasonable price, and stand behind that product if for some reason there is a failure. Mattel pretty much fails in most of those categories on a most consistent basis. No trust, no sub. :monkey2
I'd also like to add that Mattel has done VERY little to garner fan trust for this line. I mean it's crystal clear that Scott loves MOTU and you'd be hard pressed to argue that he is not a HUGE JLU fan too, but it's pretty easy to tell that DCUC was not one of his real passions, and that has set a tone for fan interaction and trust when it comes to this line.

Then what is the Legion of Superheroes 12 pack but fan service? I think you are a little off base about his commitment to DC. I don't think they even green light the retro line without commitment. 20 waves of figures plus numbers of two and five packs is commitment.

You can say what you will about the guys over at AFI, but they have some valid points in the podcast that shouldn't just be glossed over as a$$-kissing.

I don't care about Mattel, or making some kind of statement about their stupid mistakes. I have had enough of my own headaches due to this or that with the line. I bought the sub because I love DC characters and I want to see more figures in the classic style. A sub is pretty straight forward and can lead to much bigger things as we have seen with MOTU.
Just Danielle Prickett riding Mattel nutz, nothing new. Every point they make about Mattel making mistakes, they counter it about how bad the fans are and how poor Mattel lost money on the 2paks ( :horse ) Really?
If not for his obligations to his corporate handlers, what would Danielle do to get his DCUC? He's certainly not the unbiased voice of reason? Then he his two buds on here (who make action figure accessories for...MATTEL PRODUCTS) like they're there for the balanced report!:slap:cuckoo:
Then what is the Legion of Superheroes 12 pack but fan service? I think you are a little off base about his commitment to DC. I don't think they even green light the retro line without commitment. 20 waves of figures plus numbers of two and five packs is commitment.

You can say what you will about the guys over at AFI, but they have some valid points in the podcast that shouldn't just be glossed over as a$$-kissing.

First, I didnt say Scott was not "committed". I said it has not been HIS passion. Maybe it's Bill's, but definitely not Scott's. I never said "commitment", that is YOUR word. The Legion pack has always been presented as Bill's baby, hell, they even had his liner notes from what 2007 or something on display at SDCC, so that's pretty solid, but believe what you will.

Second, I'm being a bit tongue-n-cheek about the AFI boys, but I'm never down for blaming the fans, and that's what their endless counter points serve to do. And stating that Mattel lost money on the 2paks!? Are you kidding me?? That's what they choose to throw in people's faces as "look how poor Mattel has supported us"! Until he can produce some proof that he's seen the sales reports and profit/loss figures, let's just not ever bring that up. Too much baggage there! :peace

BTW, I am a sub owner, so I too am standing on the deck as the band plays.........
The guys over at AFI are Mattel patsies to say the least. As stated by DCfett, they are certainly not an unbiased point of view. They are simply trying to do what Mattel refuses to do...MARKET THE SUBSCRIPTION!!!

I'll repeat what another poster on Matty Forums said cause its worth repeating, "Lobbyist do, what they are paid to do."

No matter what Mattels shortcomings are, as demonstrated in the podcast, these guys always, ALWAYS!!!, have an excuse for them...or some half witted justification on why something was done this way or that way.

Simply put, Mattel isn't offering most fans, because its obvious that MOST fans don't want the subscription, something beyond what they already had. What's better about the sub? Nothing! Most guys were already ordering what they wanted online. The only folks still trying to buy at retail were the cherry pickers anyway because most brick & mortars (besides LCS's) were 2-3 waves behind.

It is without a DOUBT, that this will go down as one of the greatest lines ever produced. Mattel deserves a TON of credit for that. They really pumped out some figures. But for all the great toys they made and all the "I can't believe they actually made that guy!", they have really pissed off a broad band of their base.

Along with what Serpentor said, look at their track record:

-No Mordern Red real reason why he hasn't shown up.
-No light blue Superman...what happened to him?
-No all gold Dr. Fate...we got lied to about him. TG says it was produced but no one has seen one at retail AT ALL!
-No classic Guardian...he was shown, never produced.
-No all yellow Shazam/Capt. Marvel...he was promised, we just got a repack at TRU
-Harlequin...took em 16 more waves to get her out. How much support do you need before you throw the fans a bone :thud:
-All the broken ankle D|i|ck Grayson Robins:slap No real explanation on that one and no way to rectify the problem from Mattel.
-ALL the other constant QC issues
-All the dubious and misleading answers about the new articulation. "We will only add it to the figures that seem like they need it"...tell me again why Boomerang & Mercury needed it but Bronze Tiger didn't?
-The non-existent distribution. They kinda fixed this with the online retailers...until wave 9 hit :panic:
-All the miscues...lantern figs with no lanterns. Kara-sil with one of her “Fathers Three” :huh...Its called the Fathers THREE! The Gentlemen ghost issue, the uniboob Starfire, the weird 2 pack character selection (why couldn't the fans have voted on those?!?!), the sudden move to themed waves, the reluctance to finish teams, the head aching Wal-Mart waves, THE DIGITAL RIVER MESS...more like a digital swamp, and they still haven't got the shipping cost down (how do you ship out thousands of items every month and you can't broker a deal with UPS or Fed Ex for some cheaper rates?), etc, etc.

EDIT: -How could I forget the whole Gleek situation?!?!?!? And all the other SDCC exclusives. They don't handle the MOTU exclusives like they do the DCUC exclusives. Those fans get everything released at SDCC at home when ordering online after the show! The only thing exclusive about the MOTU SDCC exclusives is a sticker and a packaging change.

They've done a bang up job with these 20 waves but damn if they haven't royally ticked off a fan or two along the way...and we are seeing just how loyal and royally pissed they are right now.

Again, the store owner can't blame the customers for not buying what he was offering. He simply has to find out what they need and selling will come easy.

If Wal-Mart started selling high end flat screen TVs that their customer base couldn't afford, would they just say, "Our customer's must not want TV's." No, they do their homework and they sell them the cheap Chinese flat screens they can afford. The TVs then virtually sell themselves.:wink1:

Mattel isn't even taking the time to find out what is keeping the fans on the sidelines...not at SDCC and certainly not right now.:dunno:stick
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lee - you've pretty much hit on the head how I feel. That AFI interview was just too much to stomach. Didn't finish the interview.

Here's my plan - Enjoy the remaining waves (18, 19 and 20) coming out, the last walmart 5 pack and the Legion 12. and by that time, hopefully I get to see the new DC lineup from Mattel.
lee - you've pretty much hit on the head how I feel. That AFI interview was just too much to stomach. Didn't finish the interview.

Here's my plan - Enjoy the remaining waves (18, 19 and 20) coming out, the last walmart 5 pack and the Legion 12. and by that time, hopefully I get to see the new DC lineup from Mattel.

Only problem with this is that its going to be the New DCnU stuff. And who really wants there hero's in V neck Collars.
I don't want any of the new DC Designs for figures as I don't like any of them. But the question still remains the 2012 retail line will it be Superman Batman maybe Green Lantern since Mattel love Hal Jordon repaints and then maybe 1 new figure that is impossible to find? Or is it going to full waves of unique characters to try and promote the new designs. If it isn't a full line and I was someone in charge of licensing at DC I'd be pretty annoyed, how is it that Hasbro can put out so many 3 3/4 figures and be re-launching Marvel Legends, yet Mattel can't get DC products that don't have missile launcher chests onto the shelves.
According to the panel at Comic Con, it will not be full waves of unique characters but "mixes," like what we saw with DCSH (mostly Superman, Batman, probably Hal Jordan and Wonderwoman with the occasional short packed other character)...and that's exactly what DC wants from Mattel.
They should have had this up weeks ago. Little to late into the game for this to help in any way.

Somebody on FB said pretty much the same thing, and Neitlich responded "Would you rather we didn't do it at all?" Like that's a good way to talk to customers and to sell your product. Jesus, this has been handled ____ing poorly.