Link is stil up at amiami. Samus is still long gone. She might come back in stock on amiami, but. Don't count on it. If you want samus, swallow your pride NOW, and buy her on eBay. She is only gonna go up in price.
Hello everybody, new to forums. I finally gave in and bought the figma samus from Paid about $150.00 +EMS shipping. I know I payed a lot but, its the price I pay for not knowing and getting back in the hobby after so long. If you still looking try there website,I believe it's a bit cheaper the fleabay.
Still ridiculously jacked up. Those figures are nice, but not >$100 nice. There was a perfect flip-storm on them with so many U.S. collectors putting their pre-order hopes into Diamond, so they let the Asian-released figures pass by.
Yeah, its crazy what the japanese stores or people on fleabay are selling it for now, The highest one right now is going $506.00 shipped, and lowest at $170.00 + 10 bucks shipping so, 180. That is why from now on, if i see a pre-order i want, i will buy at least 2.