McFarlane Annonced a new Statue in 1/4 Size

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This looks pretty sick to me. I understand some of the complaints such as the name plate, but I am in for this. The hand signed COA display is a nice touch as well.
I was able to get the AP and I have the painted on order as well. I wasn't going to keep the painted one once I made sure I got the AP but it looks just so dang cool painted I may need to keep it as well.
Just ordered this baby.

I hope it is 17.5 inches from head to toe because otherwise it may be quite small
Is this a true 1/4? I can see it being a smaller 1/4 like the pcs SF and MOTU line because of the big cape etc.
The guy who sculpted it said it was closer to 1/6 on another message board (its 17.5 " to the top of the axe.) It sucks that its so small but I think the detail will make up for it.
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It was never announced as 1/4, they just said "biggest spawn statue yet" or somesuch and people just assumed 1/4th ;p It's 1/6th thread just never updated title ><
The guy who sculpted it said it was closer to 1/6 on another message board (its 17.5 " to the top of the axe.) It sucks that its so small but I think the detail will make up for it.
You can just go back one page to read what he said about it being 1/6 size.
This puppy is 1/6th scale and POd by me!

My space is running out and I have no place store the large PF boxes and statues as well.

I'm going to collect smaller sixth scale statues. Michonne and Rick diorama and Spawn cover art 138 resin statue and this Spawn. Friggin pissed I let go my Spider-man Unleashed years ago cheaply :(

Btw - anyone have that Michonne available for trade?
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Ok, 11/50 AP is opened. First impression.... its kind of small. Second impression... its still pretty darn kick ass. The details are awesome and to be honest I think the painted one will look even better.

Here are the pics...






Heads and Arms

Signature Stand without card

Signature Stand With Card

With 1/6 Chewy

With 1/5 Boba Fett Mythos

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