McF hands down. Sure, as of late they're getting sloppy, but before 2008, they were at the top of their game. Most of the people who hate them are jaded movie fans. NECA is good, but they rarly make a great product...only a decent sub par product.
NECA by far. McFarlane WAS king, but now they are basically just making plastic sports statues. NECA has all of the great licenses, sculpting, and improving on their painting and articulation. McFarlane has fallen behind and doesn't seem to care.
NECA for licenses, Mcfarlane for sculpting. Unfortunately NECA's production figures rarely turn out great, but on the flip side, Mcfarlane hasn't done anything interesting in years.
Gotta go with NECA as well, they've been (IMO) more aggressive with licenses, the articulation (while still basic) is better and I think for licensed properties they do better work.
However... McFarlane does some great in-house stuff.
I like both, but McFarlane really hasnt realased anything that Ive been wanting or looked all that great. While NeCA has had the game figures like Gears of War, Assassins Creed, Soul Reaver, etc.. To me McFalanes best line was series 1 Tortured Souls and Twisted Tales of Oz.
Well I think the stuff McFarlane does, but everything I have ever brought has had a production fault and ultimately fallen apart. And NECA everything I've gotten from the them has had tight joints, great paint apps... Plus they are entering the prop replica race, so they win... Love the Sweeny Todd razor set and box!
McToys was the best until 2002, currently they suck big time!!
Bunch of mediocre products, designs and licenses...Neca has the better product right now, hands down, Mezco is pretty good too!!
Besides, McToys doesn't seem to realize they need to raise their game...