Action Figure McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Line

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Holy crap TWayne that TNBA Batman looks perfect. It really seems like they were sculpting that design then quickly fudged it into a BTAS figure.
It's a timed exclusive so eventually it will be available at more places.

Only other place I came across that had Robin available for pre-order (along with most of the other figures) was GameStop (ugh). I added 4 figures to the cart, they charged $6 PER FIGURE. I said &%! no to that. Shipping + tax added something like $30 + to the order! No wonder that dump is struggling.
Sigh, another Batman figure.

You know, I just want what marvel fans have, a legends like line where we get all the characters. That?s all I ask.
Looks great. The articulation cuts will lessen the look when revealed.

looks like most of the articulation is there - you can see the joints sort of hidden in the elbows and at the top of the boots, wrists. doesn't look super articulated, which is fine. I'd rather have a bit more of a static figure that looks good over something with 40 points of articulation
I'm really enjoying this line and started a rapidly growing collection this week. I always loved the look of some of the DC Direct figures but hated the limited articulation a lot of them had so passed on them altogether. Though I do love Batman, I hope this line expands to other characters as well.


I also snagged the Bat Raptor from Amazon for $20. Should be arriving tomorrow.
I am really wanting to see some Green Lanterns. Kilowog is right up Todd's alley :):) And maybe a Kingdom Come Superman.

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