nash said:
why even use extenders? I dont know, im probably the only one who feels this way, but I have no problem with the shorter height. Medicom is Medicom and Sideshow is Sideshow.
Some of us like to group our collections by subject matter, not by manufacturer.
Star Wars is
Star Wars... and up until now, this has kept me from adding any RAH Medi
Star Wars figures to my collection (I'll probably cave with Jango and just pretend he's a midget).
There's no way I'd ever purchase a sawed-off Vader, though. The Medicom Vaders are too short even compared with other
Medicom figures, and for $120+ they should be able to cough up a few more cubic inches of plastic.
The annoyance of this is added to by the Medicom Spawn figure, which is decidedly NOT a midget (at 34 cm). If Medicom builds a Vader with this (or better yet, an even taller) body as a starting point, then I'll be interested.
If Medicom bodies were cheaper I might consider replacing the Sideshow bodies with them. Or maybe BBI, they tend to be shorter. Hmmmm....