Super Freak
WTF is this?!! Some of you guys are freakin ridiculous.This looks nothing like Jeff Goldblum!! Let's wait till we see more pictures,my god there have only been two grainy pictures and from what I can tell it's probably going to be awesome like the other Medi figs I have. This is the best production Indy fig I have seen yet. Trev's sculpt is great,but he is limited to SS's standards which means a big head and both of his Ford sculpts are fat faced and when they put the production paint on it,it will end up pasty faced. Just looking at the pic of Medicom's Indy standing,it looks more natural and proportioned. Oh yeah,I know,I forgot I was on a Sideshow forum
wow.. such negativity......
from the top.
Like sideshows, this is not a production piece it's still a prototype. you're right, in hand shots will tell alot more. From the shots we do havem the Goldbloom likeness is caused by a few things, one is the "car door ears" this alone is not the culprit, but combined with the bags under his eyes, and his straight nose ( as it appears in the head-on shot) The likeness becomes appearent. What throws this simularity off is the skin coloration, but It is there. Being an artist, I tend to look past the color, and look more at the definition and shape of the face. I will not argue that the way the body "hangs" is infinitely superior to the sideshow Buck body. Medi's Kai Body series produces some fantastic poses, as well as a very VERY convincing " hang" and natural style. IF you want to sling mud about oversized parts, First, i'd recomend taking a closer look at the SSc indy Proto. His head is in scale with his body, and becuase his hat is not removeable, it's also in scale with his body. Speaking of the buck body, if you take a look you might notice that ssc indy is NOT on the buck, but rather the prometheus.
Moving on, YOu called the sculpt Fat-faced. Perhaps his sculpt is a bit chubby, but then lets look at the source material, shall we? SSC has done a Raiders version of indy.

Compare that pic, with the unpainted Sculpt

And we notice an errie simularity.
The reason for his "fat-facedness" is that harrison WAS a bit overweight when they made Raiders. He was more in-shape as his carrer moved on. I'll assume that MedIndy is a Crusade indy, where he was thinner, which will cover that.
In short, they're BOTH excelent figures, and they will BOTH be well sought after. I personaly prefer the SSC One. I see more of what I want in that figure. Clearer likeness to ford, more accessories, Better hat(IMO), etc. I realy, REALY Hope they bring medi Indy in around the same price as SSC Indy, but i just don''t see it happening. If they do, sweet, I'll get one.
I also Hope that Medi sticks to it, and Actualy paints the head like the proto there, and does not "cheap out" and leave the sculpt unpainted.
And before you jump the gun and start swinging the "sideshow fanboy" bat at me, I'd advise you to look at some of my other posts ( Or my god-awful expensive medi Collection) I'm trying VERY hard to be objective about this guy. I'm just calling it how I see it.
But hey, if you love it, and you think it's the "bees knees" then by all means get one, No one is telling you it sucks, no one is saying don't get it. Just sharing my opinion on Medi's latest offering. you need not BAAWWWWWWWW at me becuase you disagree with my point of view.