Most certainly do, even if I have to admit that my main motivation for buying Kaneda was to make the set complete. I ordered the bike with Kaneda, not Kaneda with bike.
It's a fine figure, good quality. The cloths are well made, the body is sturdy, nice tight joints, ... . The neck is a bit long, and the shade of brown Medicom chose to use for the boots & gloves isn't exactly my fav, but that's me. Still, the figure could have used a more contrasting color scheme, it's a bit dull the way it is. It sure was a shock to see with how many accessories this figure comes - mainly extra hands though. The extra head with the goggles is a blessing, as the look of original head is not really flattering Kaneda... . Yes it's a nice figure, really makes sense to have when you also own the bike. But, I can't shake the feeling that at Medicom's SRP it's way overpriced. If I wouldn't have found it for less, I wouldn't have bought it.
Looking forward to Tetsuo!