Excellent! Now you are complete! (Man, look at that toy room in the background....that's a big collection!)
Also....everyone check this out:
View attachment 341689
Some insanely talented customizer scratch built this. If you've never seen the cover of "Sayonara Nippon" here it is for comparison:
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I still want a pair of custom goggles to hang around the neck of mine.
I was looking for WWII era motorcycle goggles cause those seem closest, but haven't found anything quite right.
So I finally got the Hot Toys Luke Skywalker goggles to give Kaneda after all these months!
They actually fit on his face, which surprised me, but there's already a head with goggles molded on so I didn't need that. Nope. These are for strictly hanging around his neck.
I tried to replicate the pose of the poster the best I could, but the expression on the figure is pretty different and the colors are also a bit off, but it's still kinda cool. I had a hard time balancing him and then I remembered: the figure actually came with a stand that I had left in the box years ago! So now it's complete.
$10 well spent, in my opinion.
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When's Akira's next big anniversary milestone? Patlabor's got the Robot Damashii subline going, Hi-Metal R's covering my Macross needs, just need some new, high-quality Akira merchandise...
thing about Akira & Ghost Shell is they don't have much product release potential. it'd be the same Kaneda, Tetsuo, Bike, just like Motoko, Motoko, Motoko and maybe some Tachikomas & variants. it's Japanese stuff so we don't expect them to get Hollywood treatment like Marvel & Star Wars where every minor character in the show is a potential release.
Patlabor has like 20+ labors they can release if they want, and TV/Movie/OVAs variants.