hey, um, nam, if you really no likey the medi-maul, why not sell him?
Comming from someone who' got both SS and Medi figures, theyre both good, and they both have weak points. sideshow's maul has an incredable costume and great likeness in the Headsculpt. medi's has a better expression, and it's costume hangs better. Sideshow's belt is superior, and in my opinion so are the lightsabers. sorry, but The medicom Light-dongs just don't look right to me. purely preference there. Medi's body is a fragle, but poses great. Sideshow's body is nigh-indestructable but poses like a mildly retarded monkey. sideshow's hase fixed wrists, medi's has poseable wrists. Medi's is a little undersized, but have any of you ever met ray park? The man is a bit short. Great guy, friend of mine went drinking with him at dragon con.
Is medi's worth 150$ ? IMHO not a chance in hell. but 89? yeah, i'd say he's worth that, easy.
at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference. I've got Sideshow maul and I love him, he's a great figure. i'll also be getting the medi one when I'vwe got the spare cash,as well as tracking down some replacement sabers for him.