I'm hoping someone can help me as I'm desperately searching for replacement options for a Medicom RAH body (two actually). First my Light Yagami (Death Note) RAH had both shoulders pop off. While trying to replace his body with an Obitsu slim 27cm, his hip fell off. Yay...good quality plastic Medicom!!
Then, I'd ordered a Ginko from the Mushi-shi anime (another Medicom RAH). Get him in, and am admiring how awesome he looks....but his right arm is a bit stiff and while I'm gently posing him and trying to loosen up the joint, BAM....it snaps and his arm falls off.
So....now I'm in need of two pale replacement bodies. Just for informational purposes, I'll share that I tried a Kumik body (he is WAY darker than their crap manufacturer photo shows AND he is larger...wider, broader, all that...just too big). I've also tried an Obitsu Slim....and while it will work if there are NO other options, there are issues with it - 1) the neck is a bit too small and the adapter doesn't fit the RAH head without modifications. The modifications will work, but he loses mobility since the Obitsu neck is stationary, and his head doesn't fit quite as snug, so it wobbles every so slightly rather than sitting firmly in the pose you put him in. No deal breakers, but not ideal either. 2) The Obitsu is slimmer all over, so while it works, the clothes are a wee bit loose. I think this would be an even worse issue if I used this body for a Ginko replacement.
Anyway, I have posted various blogs about the body replacements...you can find them here for more info:
And just for ease of use / easy reference, here are a few pics of the RAH body, the Obitsu and the Kumik ...
The RAH (left) and Obitsu (Right):
The RAH and Kumik (darker, larger body) - so both color and size are an issue here:
anyway I'm looking for any suggestions for slim bodies that would serve as a RAH replacement, so slim, pale, and preferably one that I could attach the head to without too much modifying (as I'd like for it to fit/move correctly). I've heard other suggest a few options, but they are damn near impossible to find or are SUPER expensive. I've also searched for cheap RAH figures, but I' not sure I want to spend $50-$60 on some older RAH figure that likely has the same issues, and the newer ones are like $100.....starting out, so expensive as a "body" option only.
Just for reference here are a couple that were suggested, but are no longer made, so are VERY hard to find (not to mention the RAH 301 body is one that supposedly is brittle in the joints like the figures I have now....so why pay a lot for a body that may break the first time I pose it)?
Volks Neo Guy or Neo EB Guy (not really sure the right name - somewhat hard to find and can be expensive):
The left is a teen version, middle is EB or something (slim version?) and right is the larger Volks:
Then here is the RAH301 Naked (so potential issues and not made anymore so rare and expensive):
ANY and ALL help is GREATLY appreciated...as this is depressing!!!! Out of my current options the slim Volks looks like the best option, but I worry the neck will have the same issues as the dern Obitsu...and it's not ok for a $200-$400 RAH figure to have a floppy head!!! ACK!!!! HELP!!
I'm hoping someone can help me as I'm desperately searching for replacement options for a Medicom RAH body (two actually). First my Light Yagami (Death Note) RAH had both shoulders pop off. While trying to replace his body with an Obitsu slim 27cm, his hip fell off. Yay...good quality plastic Medicom!!
Then, I'd ordered a Ginko from the Mushi-shi anime (another Medicom RAH). Get him in, and am admiring how awesome he looks....but his right arm is a bit stiff and while I'm gently posing him and trying to loosen up the joint, BAM....it snaps and his arm falls off.
So....now I'm in need of two pale replacement bodies. Just for informational purposes, I'll share that I tried a Kumik body (he is WAY darker than their crap manufacturer photo shows AND he is larger...wider, broader, all that...just too big). I've also tried an Obitsu Slim....and while it will work if there are NO other options, there are issues with it - 1) the neck is a bit too small and the adapter doesn't fit the RAH head without modifications. The modifications will work, but he loses mobility since the Obitsu neck is stationary, and his head doesn't fit quite as snug, so it wobbles every so slightly rather than sitting firmly in the pose you put him in. No deal breakers, but not ideal either. 2) The Obitsu is slimmer all over, so while it works, the clothes are a wee bit loose. I think this would be an even worse issue if I used this body for a Ginko replacement.
Anyway, I have posted various blogs about the body replacements...you can find them here for more info:
And just for ease of use / easy reference, here are a few pics of the RAH body, the Obitsu and the Kumik ...

The RAH (left) and Obitsu (Right):

The RAH and Kumik (darker, larger body) - so both color and size are an issue here:

anyway I'm looking for any suggestions for slim bodies that would serve as a RAH replacement, so slim, pale, and preferably one that I could attach the head to without too much modifying (as I'd like for it to fit/move correctly). I've heard other suggest a few options, but they are damn near impossible to find or are SUPER expensive. I've also searched for cheap RAH figures, but I' not sure I want to spend $50-$60 on some older RAH figure that likely has the same issues, and the newer ones are like $100.....starting out, so expensive as a "body" option only.
Just for reference here are a couple that were suggested, but are no longer made, so are VERY hard to find (not to mention the RAH 301 body is one that supposedly is brittle in the joints like the figures I have now....so why pay a lot for a body that may break the first time I pose it)?
Volks Neo Guy or Neo EB Guy (not really sure the right name - somewhat hard to find and can be expensive):
The left is a teen version, middle is EB or something (slim version?) and right is the larger Volks:

Then here is the RAH301 Naked (so potential issues and not made anymore so rare and expensive):

ANY and ALL help is GREATLY appreciated...as this is depressing!!!! Out of my current options the slim Volks looks like the best option, but I worry the neck will have the same issues as the dern Obitsu...and it's not ok for a $200-$400 RAH figure to have a floppy head!!! ACK!!!! HELP!!