How much is amiami shipping to the states?
I've never ordered from amiami, but from my experience from dealing with HLJ and Japanese stores on Ebay, I can tell you that the shipping rates will depend on whether you opt for SAL or EMS shipping. EMS is the fastest and most reliable, but it usually ranges anywhere from $27(ish) and over, for large packages. SAL should be below $30, but there's a good chance that your package can be lost in the mail since there's no tracking or insurance. The delivery time with SAL also varies between a few weeks to several months.
they're too expensive for what you get.
Use Air small packet. it's faster, and safer, and comes with tracking.
it's 9-12$ to get a figma shipped by it.
i'm expecting 15-20$ to get a 1/6th figure shipped.
air small packet is new, and not many japanese places use it yet.
but Amiami does.
lets me order with Air small packet shipping just fine.
the figure's dimensions should be within the size limit of Air small packet, geven how small a medicom box is... and i don't think the figure + box weighs over 4 lbs.
they're too expensive for what you get.
Use Air small packet. it's faster, and safer, and comes with tracking.
it's 9-12$ to get a figma shipped by it.
i'm expecting 15-20$ to get a 1/6th figure shipped.
air small packet is new, and not many japanese places use it yet.
but Amiami does.
it's insured, yes, but only up to 6000 Yen.
I generally get my packages from Amiami in a week to 10 days.
LONGEST it has ever taken is 13 days.
I preordered this from amiami last night. I actually felt Skyward Sword was pretty uninspiring, but I love the Zelda franchise still as a whole. I hope they do Zelda and Ganondorf too.