Super Freak
Oooo I would have loved the Weeds panel. Man what didn't you see?
Actually, I didn't see much of the "big" stuff at all. I only saw the "Kick Ass" panel in Hall H, and got tired after waiting for two hours for the panel for Caprica/Big Bang Theory/Doll House.
So I think I was able to see more by choosing not to wait in the LONG hall H lines. But Hall H is really where the good stuff is at. Think next year I'll focus on that. Helps to know people to, to have them hold a spot in line, which I didn't get to take much advantage of this year.
Again no wonder why you were so tired! I feel like looking at this thread now that I missed nothing. It's all here!
Yeah, I definitely had a full con experience. It wasn't so much that I was tired, it was that I was staying out in Old Towne about 30 minutes away and couldn't really go anywhere to unwind for an hour to hit the reset button and go back out. Once I got to the hotel and sat down, it was hard getting motivated to go back out. I only missed Thursday night, but called it early on Saturday. I know on Friday I was in full effect. It really was awesome hanging out with people and meeting new people, who I hope to see again in a year. I do wish I was able to hang with Rory more than just Friday night. That's one cool cat.